Dear friends of the Foundation
This month we have a particularly dense version of the newsletter: the start of a European project, events, video, publications and much more.
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Responsibility in Innovation & Tecnoscienza e Scienze della Vita
Responsibility in Innovation & Governance e Statualità
Responsibility in Innovation & Rischio

6 May 2016
The start of the SMART-Map – RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies, that involves the Bassetti Foundation’s involvement over the coming 30 months to spread responsible innovation within the European industry context, with colleagues for Denmark, UK, Germany, Spain, Hungary and Austria.
The objective is to discuss and co-design responsible research and innovation practices in cutting edge sectors such as 3D printing in bio-medicine, precision medicine and synthetic biology, with companies, researchers and civil society representatives. Three innovative trajectories with the capacity to change prevention and cure scenarios and the wider bio-medical world.
A presentation event was held at the Foundation, with the presence of Professor Francesco Lescai, biotechnologist at the University of Aarhus (Denmark). Images of the event are available QUI.

27-28 April 2016
In 2013 The Bassetti Foundation together with Triennale, a group of designers and institutions (Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano, Politecnico) and intelectuals promoted the Innovating With Beauty mission in San Fransisco. It was a meeting of two avant-gardes, on the one hand that technological from California, generators of the web that today digitalizes manufacturing, and on the other exponents of “doing things beautifully”, intent to reinvent the Leonardesque workshop tradition.
Three years later the Bassetti Foundation in collaboration with the curator Stefano Micelli and Polifactory, brought moments of debate with hosts from across the globe to the Triennale XXI, New Craft section. The Labour after Labour theme readdresses the idea of the metropolis: global cities crossed by innovation flux that transforms information into objects: in which new companies team up with and re think the relationship between work, consumption and production.
Here the program of the 2 day event.
Here the presentation of the “Models after Models: reversing the innovation pyramid” panel.
Here photos of the event.
As a follow up complete videos of the meeting and a detailed report are to be published.

8 June 2016
In Bologna, upon the initiative of ASTER and with the support of the Mak-ER network, two events involved more than 30 European institutions: the first, “Open Economy Society – makerspaces as paradigm for a new sustainable economy”, saw international experts from Fablab management in discussion; The second, “Open Innovation as a Frontier for Public Policy” (chaired by our own Francesco Samorè) saw city and regional councils discuss objectives and tools for sustaining the fablab ecosystem within politics and for economic development. All within the framework of the Salone Internazionale della Ricerca Industriale e dell’Innovazione.
Here the presentation.

29 April 2016
Maurizio Montalti of Officina Corpuscoli – who we met through a series of seminars hosted by the Politecnico in 2015 and then interviewed – curated an event in Utrecht: “The Fungal Futures”. The results of an open laboratory, the event offers food for thought on the work of the designer in relation to sustainability, research, new materials, biotechnology and responsibility. Jonathan Hankins report on his visit.

25 May 2016
Novara Scholé is an open innovation project that works through the form of Dialogue with Casa Bossi. A theatre in which the actors are students, businessmen, visionaries and citizens. It is a school of connections, an example of C-School, the “eutopic” proposal of Diotima Society to organize the transformation of work, business, finance and education.
Here the presentation of the event and the fundamental concepts of the idea of C-School.

23 May 2016
The third edition of Focus: Adriano Olivetti, promoted by Satva Films Productions & School, was held in Milan to close the circle of thought and reflection begun in 2013. 4 themes: territory, politics, culture and the economy (work), around the concepts of person, innovation, community and the systemic and autopoietico approaches. The third event after Bologna and Bari. Here the presentation of the conference within which Francesco Samorè participated in the “STORYTELLING: narrare la complessità (rendere visibile l’invisibile)” panel.

May – June 2016
Recently Massimiano Bucchi published his book “Per un pugno d’idee” (Bompiani Editore). The back cover explains: “from the coffee maker to the Kalashnikov, from the mouse to the spaghetti western: when the world is changed by a simple but overwhelming idea”. We asked the author to narrate some of the cases through which the network of responsibility is brought into play by inventions or discoveries that become innovation, the achievement of the improbable. Here find the video of the meeting with Bucchi.

from April 2016
Stefano Regondi is the Director of Extra Moenia, the study centre that publishes the periodical for Bruno Mondadori – Pearson. We interviewed him because Extra Moenia and Fondazione Giannino Bassetti some time ago began collaborating on the journal both online and in hard copy.
Two articles by Regondi are already online:
La robotica applicata alla riabilitazione (13 April 2016) the first of 3 articles dedicated to the application of robotics in hospitals, in both treatment and rehabilitation. La robotica applicata alla chirurgia (17 June 2016):until today robots had the function of assisting and strengthening or adding precision to the interventions of the surgeon. Recent developments are numerous and wide ranging, and develop quicker in some areas than in others.
The articles sit within an area that the Foundation is Bassetti Foundation is intensively studying with SMART-map, more of which can be found in the “Responsibility in Innovation & Governance e statehood“.

by Jonathan Hankins – 6 June 2016
Now that the theme of responsible innovation addressed by the Bassetti Foundation for more than 20 years has become an argument that is key for a European working community (and much more), it is important to follow the more brilliant and interesting visions within the field.
"The Metis of Responsible Innovation" is the title of the lecture that prof. Phil Macnaghten, Professor of Technology and International Development, delivered at Wageningen University. We offer a link to the video and review of the major themes here.

18 April 2016
Jos Malda, Associate Professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht, won the Nanonica Prize 2015 for the invention of a new technique in 3D microfiber printing alongside living cells, in a major development in regenerative medicine. This year’s Nanonica Prize includes a Responsible Research and Innovation Special Mention thanks to the Bassetti Foundation. Here find more on the prize.

18 May 2016
On 18 may 2016 the first Italian event of Advocacy and Training of the European project RRI Tools (, was held in Rome, financed by the FP7 program. Fondazione Cariplo – coordinator of the Italian and Swiss hub – and the Bassetti Foundation, a partner to the Italian hub collaborate with local think tanks on the theme of RRI. The conference organized by the Bassetti foundation and Formicablu srl, hosted representatives of the world of research. Education, civil society, industry and policy-making, and was envisioned as an important chance to collect opinion and thought related to RRI developments in Italy.
Here the conference presentation.
Here photos to narrate the different phases.

by Jonathan Hankins, 22 June 2016
The Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) 2016 conference took place between 8 and 10 June across several sites in the US and Europe. In London it was held at University College (UCL) and Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins participated on behalf of the Foundation presenting his research on alternative food provisioning networks in Italy and the USA.
Here a report on the conference and slides of his presentation.

7 June 2016
The ‘Design e policy making – Design Policy Beacon: uno strumento di analisi’ convention was held at the Region of Lombardy governmental headquarters. The Design for Europe project within which the Politecnico di Milano is a partner was the topic of discussion In particular the Design Policy Beacon and Design Policy Lab were presented to a public of policy-makers, promoted by the Polytechnic to understand and map the design ecosystem across different European contexts. Here the conference presentation.

18 May 2016
The Virtual Institute for responsible Innovation (VIRI), of which the Bassetti Foundation is a Founding institutional Member, was created to help in the preparation of a community of academics and professionals searching for a shared understanding of the concept of responsible innovation.
The conference “The Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts International”, held in Donostia-San Sebastian (Basque Country) between 11-12 March, was taken as the perfect opportunity for the annual VIRI meeting. Jonathan Hankins participated in both events, publishing a report with photos here.

4 May 2016
Generare Futuro was the title of the meeting between Piero Bassetti and Stefano Micelli moderated by Francesco Cancellato, held on 5 may 2016 in the Sala Rivolta, in Lodi, with scientific direction provided by Linkiesta.
Here a presentation of the meeting.
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