Your search for "speaker" returned 49 results

12 results of 49

Datafied Childhoods: Data Practices and Imaginaries in Children’s Lives

Datafied Childhoods: Data Practices and Imaginaries in Children’s Lives from Giovanna Mascheroni and Andra Siibak is dedicated to describing and critiquing practices of datafication that sustain what Shoshana Zuboff calls surveillance capitalism. Datafication is described as both an outcome and an intensifier of deep mediatization: an outcome, as almost all social action and interaction is ... Datafied Childhoods: Data Practices and Imaginaries in Children’s Lives

Redazione FGB

Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design

Between 11 – 12 January I attended the Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design Conference held in Utrecht, Netherlands. The conference was hosted by the Chain Project, a Dutch Research Council (NWO) funded initiative that focuses on blockchain in the network society. From the project website: Governments are developing blockchain ... Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design

Jonathan Hankins

Report from the Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network

On 28th and 29th of September I attended the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network in Utrecht, Netherlands. This network brings together scholars from across social science, humanities and design disciplines who are interested in critical studies of ageing and technology, creating a new academic field that we might describe as a meeting point ... Report from the Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network

Jonathan Hankins

Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab

What is the Critical Infrastructures Lab? The Critical Infrastructures lab is hosted by the University of Amsterdam. From the website we learn that the lab aims to create space to co-develop alternative infrastructural futures that center people and planet over profit and capital by establishing a community around three infrastructural subtopics (geopolitics, standards, environment), producing ... Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab

Jonathan Hankins

La voce dei cittadini in Regione Lombardia

Progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM – Evento finale locale17 novembre 2022 | Ore 14:30 | Palazzo Pirelli L’incontro – patrocinato dal Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali – si svolgerà in presenza a Milano e sarà un’occasione per presentare le attività condotte negli ultimi tre anni in Lombardia da TRANSFORM, il progetto coordinato da Fondazione ... La voce dei cittadini in Regione Lombardia

Redazione FGB

Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

This (online) Open Scholarship event will be held on 29 and 30 June 2022, with registration possible by contacting Regular Foundation followers will know many of the people presenting and involved in the organization of the conference, including René von Schomberg, Douglas Robinson, Mario Pansera and Vincent Blok. The following overview has been made ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

Redazione FGB

Culture digitali-intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Il convegno AIUCD.

Il convegno annuale dell’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD), nel 2022 sarà ospitato dal Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca in digital humanities in collaborazione con i corsi di Laurea in Filosofia, DAMS, Beni Culturali e Digital Humanities e si svolgerà a Lecce tra il primo e il 3 giugno. AIUCD è la maggiore ... Culture digitali-intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Il convegno AIUCD.

Redazione FGB

MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience

On 27 April (2022) I visited MEET Digital Centre in Milan for a double bill of Virtual Reality. I first experienced Fabio Gianpietro’s installation The Lift in the centre’s Immersive Room, before attending Matteo Lonardi’s presentation of his Interactive VR story Il Dubbio (Doubt). Both artists were present and the following personal impressions are based ... MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience

Jonathan Hankins

TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.

Bruxelles, 11 – 14 October, 2021. The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It brings together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics in a four-day event that boasts several interesting formats (the opening session was run following a ... TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.

Jonathan Hankins

MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

After more than 4 years in operation, between 7-9 September 2021 the MARIE Interreg project hosted 3 days of seminars, with networking slots and video drops and some light-hearted fun. Day 1 The topic for the first day was Responsibility and sustainable strategies: Moving Towards S4+. After taking a voluntary quiz and language lesson about ... MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

Redazione FGB

European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 2

(…continues from the previous entry) Week 3 The third week of the seminar series opened with Felix Müller of Evonik Operations GmbH presenting HotSolute: Sustainability from the view of the chemical industry. Through the lens of the HotSolute project, Müller presented the interests and actions carried out by the chemical giant Evonik in its transition ... European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 2

Jonathan Hankins

European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 1

June saw the launch of the European Biotechnology and Society 2021 seminar series, a five-week long series of presentations and questions. Week 1 This second series opened with a brief introduction from Robert Smith entitled A space beyond the project, before Maja Horst (well known to the Foundation due to her position within the VIRI) ... European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 1

Jonathan Hankins