Charis Thompson – A Matter of Design – 2/2

Event: A Matter of Design. 5th STS Italia Conference. Date: 2014 06 12 Time: 32 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Campus Bovisa, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: A Matter of Design: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics. 5th STS Italia Conference A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science ... Charis Thompson – A Matter of Design – 2/2

Charis Thompson

Charis Thompson – A Matter of Design – 1/2

Event: A Matter of Design. 5th STS Italia Conference. Title: Good Science: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics. Date: 2014 06 12 Time: 43 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Campus Bovisa, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: A Matter of Design: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics. 5th STS Italia ... Charis Thompson – A Matter of Design – 1/2

Charis Thompson

A Matter of Design – Welcome address

Event: A Matter of Design. 5th STS Italia Conference. Date: 2014 06 12 Time: 47 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Campus Bovisa, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: A Matter of Design: Our Common Future. 5th STS Italia Conference A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology Milano ... A Matter of Design – Welcome address

Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis
Giovanni Azzone
Luca Guerrini
Manuela Perrotta
Paolo Volonté
Silvia Piardi

Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti and STS@IEO presents Institutional design to foster responsible innovation Special panel June 12, 2014 – 17.00-18.00 Politecnico di Milano Via Durando 10 (room Castiglioni), Milano Programme: 1. Introduction. Responsible innovation and the European Union Piero Bassetti Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Director 2. From scales of life to scales of governance. And back. Giuseppe ... Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

Redazione FGB

Focus on SciencesPo

On Feb 10th 2014, long time friend of the Bassetti Foundation Bruno Latour opens his Scientific Humanities course to the world in MOOC form. The course is offered online, is conducted in English and is free, with just a simple registration required. According to the website “Scientific humanities means the extension of interpretative skills to ... Focus on SciencesPo

Jonathan Hankins

Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)

Professor Biagioli was kind enough to dedicate some of his time to the Foundation in the form of a conversation with Jonathan Hankins. Topics covered were varied, but the major theme running through the discussion is responsibility in the patenting process. Many extremely interesting points came up, from how to lessen constraints on scientific research ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)

Jonathan Hankins

Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 2)

Professor Biagioli was kind enough to dedicate some of his time to the Foundation in the form of a conversation with Jonathan Hankins. Topics covered were varied, but the major theme running through the discussion is responsibility in the patenting process. Many extremely interesting points came up, from how to lessen constraints on scientific research ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 2)

Jonathan Hankins

Intellectual Property and Responsibility

Professor Mario Biagioli is a Distinguished Professor of Law and Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Director of the new Center for Innovation Studies at University of California, Davis. To quote the website the Innovation studies center’s research “engages the many dimensions of the process of technoscientific innovation, from those that make it possible to ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility

Jonathan Hankins

Practicing Responsibility

In the imminence of the deadline for submitting abstracts (22th March) I bring to our readers’ attention the following call for papers, co-organised by the Bassetti Foundation, for a session at the next EASST conference (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), which will take place in Trento, September 2-4th 2010, in collaboration ... Practicing Responsibility

Building a bridge between science and society

Looking for the foundations of the communication of science. (Bergamo, February 14-15 2008) by Roberta Gabbatore (See the images) On Thursday 14th February 2008 in the splendid setting of the ex monastery of Saint Augustine (now part of the University) in Bergamo’s upper town the conference “Building a bridge between science and society. Looking for ... Building a bridge between science and society