Governance and participation in nanotechnology

A look at Wikipedia gives a thorough if not quite technical description of what nanotechnology is or could be defined as. The description opens with “Nanotechnology is a highly multidisciplinary field, drawing from fields such as applied physics, materials science, interface and colloid science, device physics, supramolecular chemistry (which refers to the area of chemistry ... Governance and participation in nanotechnology

Scienza e Governance

The relationships between science and society are at the centre of a European project aimed at building a “knowledge based society” but they also represent an extremely problematic element. The controversies mainly involve the theme of scientific-technological innovation and in particular responsibility taking for innovative choices and their consequences. This debate often runs the risk ... Scienza e Governance

Mariachiara Tallacchini

Building a bridge between science and society

Looking for the foundations of the communication of science. (Bergamo, February 14-15 2008) by Roberta Gabbatore (See the images) On Thursday 14th February 2008 in the splendid setting of the ex monastery of Saint Augustine (now part of the University) in Bergamo’s upper town the conference “Building a bridge between science and society. Looking for ... Building a bridge between science and society

New Rites For Democracy?

On February 15th 2008, at the premises of the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, the sociologist of science Brian Wynne opened the seminar chaired by Piero Bassetti and Mariachiara Tallacchini about the report for the European Commission, Taking European Society Seriously (2007), now translated in Italian under the auspices of the Bassetti Foundation (Scienza e Governance. ... New Rites For Democracy?

A seminar on governance and science at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan

(Photos) On Friday 15th February 2008, at the premises of the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, Piero Bassetti opened the seminar on Science and Governance introducing Brian Wynne, chairman of the work group that produced the report “Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously” for the European Commission, and Mariachiara Tallacchini, a member of the group and translator ... A seminar on governance and science at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan

Science and Governance: the provocation of responsibility.

Conversation with Mariachiara Tallacchini On the Science in Society website of the European Commision one reads that “The European Commission needs to create the conditions for a structured dialogue on questions relative to science, with a view to anticipating and clarifying the hopes and fears of the public. Faced with an informed and involved public, ... Science and Governance: the provocation of responsibility.

Science and Governance: the EU report on Science and Governance presented at FGB

The Giannino Bassetti Foundation deals with the problem of innovation and specifically with the responsibility that should guide innovative processes. Piero Bassetti defined innovation as the realisation of the improbable. “Improbable” refers to uncertainty, doubt and risk, things that are beyond our control and therefore require that we think twice about our responsibility. The sociologist ... Science and Governance: the EU report on Science and Governance presented at FGB

Assembly or Assemblage? A lecture by Bruno Latour

Event: A lecture by Bruno Latour. Title: Assembly or Assemblage? Politics and Polytechnics. Date: 2003 11 17 Time: 135 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Bruno Latour in FGB. On 27 October 2003 we opened the Call for Comments entitled “No Innovation without Representation (A ... Assembly or Assemblage? A lecture by Bruno Latour

Bruno Latour