PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 1/3

Event: PCST 2012. Title: From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication. Date: 2012 04 20 Time: 24 min. Place: Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/40858571 Report: Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012. From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication PCST 2012 12th International ... PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 1/3

Alexander Gerber
Gail Edmonson
Margherita Fronte

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

The Union of Concerned Scientists is about to open its new ‘Center for Science and Democracy’, and I was fortunate enough to meet and record a conversation with the centre’s Program Manager Pallavi Phartiyal. (…continues from the previous entry). J H: Global warming or climate change is a political problem here. If you come from ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

Jonathan Hankins

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Cambridge Massachusetts hosts one of the main offices of the Union of Concerned Scientists, described on their own website as “the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world” They go on to state that “UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Jonathan Hankins

International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

Notes on the Bassetti Foundation promoted panel in Florence, Italy, 20th April 2012 Friday, 20th April Palazzo dei congressi Room: Onice PCST 2012 – Parallel Session 3 13.00-14.15 From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication The theme chosen by the organizing committee of this edition of the International Public Communication of ... International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

Redazione FGB

Layers of Uncertainty

On Monday March 5th I attended the third Science Technology Policy Crossroads symposium at the Harvard University Science Centre. The symposium was entitled ‘Layers of Uncertainty: Conversations on the role of uncertainty in science and technology policy’, details are available from their website linked above. The key note speech was delivered by Rear Admiral Ali ... Layers of Uncertainty

Itinerary: Communicating Science

In light of the Bassetti Foundation’s announcement of their involvement in the 2012 Public Communication of Science and Technology Network conference and related call for abstracts for funding, Jonathan Hankins reviews some of the related materials available on the foundation website. ———————– The problem of the communication of science and innovation has been addressed many ... Itinerary: Communicating Science

The Royal Society, a font of information

Last year the Royal Society celebrated its 350th anniversary, a festival in which the Bassetti Foundation participated in the form of Cristina Grasseni’s visit to London and involvement in the Harvard University Science and Democracy Network international meeting, part of the celebrations. In the run up to this celebration the Royal Society established its Science ... The Royal Society, a font of information

Citizen Science

In one of my previous postings I looked at the work of Ben Goldacre and in particular his book Bad Science. My argument also drew upon subject matter from previous postings, namely the work of Robert Winston and Lennard Davis. All of these authors argue that there is a need to educate the general public ... Citizen Science

Different forms of expertise

On Monday 3rd of May a seminar was held in The Bassetti Foundation conference suite with Dr Wiebe E. Bijker, Professor of Technology and Society at The University of Maastricht in Holland. An interview conducted by Margherita Fronte has already been published in Italian (Il ruolo degli esperti nella democrazia) and we now make the ... Different forms of expertise

Practicing Responsibility

In the imminence of the deadline for submitting abstracts (22th March) I bring to our readers’ attention the following call for papers, co-organised by the Bassetti Foundation, for a session at the next EASST conference (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), which will take place in Trento, September 2-4th 2010, in collaboration ... Practicing Responsibility

Technoscientific Innovation

Responsibility and New Models of Democracy in Science and Society Relationship Edited by Giuseppe Pellegrini I libri della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Rubbettino, 2008 The rhythm and all pervading nature of techno-scientific innovation and its products pose new questions for politicians, at a historical moment when decisions concerning public property and citizens’ life cannot be taken ... Technoscientific Innovation

What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Reflections from a debate at the 2008 Euroscience Open Forum by Maximilian Fochler, Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna Science for a better life – the Euroscience Open Forum 2008 From July 18 to 22 2008 more than 4000 scientists, journalists, policy makers and other interested audiences convened in Barcelona for the ... What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?