Towards responsible innovation

Contexts and identities of research in Europe Contemporary society is nowadays defined as “knowledge society” tout court. European Union itself, during the European Council held in Lisbon in 2000, recognized the foundational role of knowledge as the basis and pillar for the economic growth. Knowledge, therefore, stands as the unquestioned protagonist around whom not only ... Towards responsible innovation

Eloisa Cianci

Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti and STS@IEO presents Institutional design to foster responsible innovation Special panel June 12, 2014 – 17.00-18.00 Politecnico di Milano Via Durando 10 (room Castiglioni), Milano Programme: 1. Introduction. Responsible innovation and the European Union Piero Bassetti Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Director 2. From scales of life to scales of governance. And back. Giuseppe ... Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

Redazione FGB

Erik Fisher Speaks to US Presidential Commission

The 16th meeting of the (US) Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues takes place on February 10th and 11th in Washington DC. Erik Fisher, associate director for integration with the Center for Nanotechnology in Society and principal investigator for the SocioTechnical Integration Research (STIR) project, will address the issue of whether including an ... Erik Fisher Speaks to US Presidential Commission

Redazione FGB

The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Towards the understanding of science communication and its potential role to bring prosperity in the rural and agro-based community of Pakistan by Naeema Siddiqui (Institute of Social & Cultural Studies , University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan), Saima Siddiqui (Centre for Integrated Mountain Research, Punjab University Lahore Pakistan; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Modena ... The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Saima Siddiqui

Architecture and public science communication

The role of aesthetics and design in science and technology museum. by Patricia Ríos Cabello (PhD Candidate. Humanistic Studies. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México) There are several reasons ranging from the people and experts involved in the design process of a science and technology museum, to the design proposal ... Architecture and public science communication

Patricia Ríos Cabello

Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 2

In Florence on 20th April 2012 the Bassetti Foundation organized a seminar as part of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST2012). This international conference hosted scientists, delegates from scientific institutions, researchers and journalists. What follows is a review of the papers and video of the seminar. Index Part 1. (previous post) Introduzione, ... Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 2

Margherita Fronte

Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 1

In Florence on 20th April 2012 the Bassetti Foundation organized a seminar as part of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST2012). This international conference hosted scientists, delegates from scientific institutions, researchers and journalists. What follows is a review of the papers and video of the seminar. Index Part 1. (this post) Introduction, ... Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 1

Margherita Fronte

The Politics of Science and the re-definition of democracy (part 2)

(Mariachiara Tallacchini offers here an introduction to Jasanoff’s STS approach – …continues from the previous entry). … In her more recent and complex work, published in the United States in 1995 with the title Design on nature the author turns her gaze upon the politics that have accompanied and distinguished the history of bio-technology, thus ... The Politics of Science and the re-definition of democracy (part 2)

Mariachiara Tallacchini

The Politics of Science and the re-definition of democracy (part 1)

The fourth Lecture of the Fondazione Giannino Bassetti will feature prof. Sheila Jasanoff, professor of Science and Technology Studies at the Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University, one of the authors of the report to the EU “Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously“. Sheila Jasanoff will speak at Milan State University on May 6th on ... The Politics of Science and the re-definition of democracy (part 1)

Mariachiara Tallacchini