Notes from the SIENNA Project Final Conference

In the following notes I would like to offer my personal thoughts on the conference experience. The final conference from the SIENNA Project was held online, between 10 – 12 March 2021. DAY 1 The opening morning was dedicated to an introduction to the project and overview of findings in the project’s 3 main emerging ... Notes from the SIENNA Project Final Conference

Jonathan Hankins

SIENNA Project final conference: 10 – 12 March

The SIENNA Project is holding its final (online) conference on Ethics, Human Rights & Emerging Technologies, from 10 to 12 March. The SIENNA project addresses ethical issues in three new and emerging technology areas: human genomics, human enhancement and human-machine interaction. Not only do these areas all come with major socio-economic impact, they also raise ... SIENNA Project final conference: 10 – 12 March

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La scienza controversa. Quando i ricercatori litigano e la conoscenza progredisce.

La scienza controversa. Quando i ricercatori litigano e la conoscenza progredisce Meta lecture – Wewbinar – Venerdì 12 Marzo, dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 Il dibattito, organizzato dal Politecnico di Milano (META Unità di studi umanistici e sociali su scienza e tecnologia), affronterà il tema di come la scienza cresca all’accendersi di nuove controversie. Lo ha ... La scienza controversa. Quando i ricercatori litigano e la conoscenza progredisce.

Redazione FGB

Ai tempi del vaccino – 4/4

Event: Ai tempi del vaccino. Date: 2021 01 28 Time: 29:51 min. Place: (online – piattaforma Zoom). Language: Italiano. Part: 4/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 4 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Posts: Ai tempi del vaccino. Contents: Dibattito. Intervengono: Barbara Saracino, sociologa e ... Ai tempi del vaccino – 4/4

Andrea Lavazza
Angela Simone
Barbara Saracino
Francesco Samorè
Giancarlo Sturloni
Roberta Villa

Ai tempi del vaccino – 3/4

Event: Ai tempi del vaccino. Date: 2021 01 28 Time: 37:37 min. Place: (online – piattaforma Zoom). Language: Italiano. Part: 3/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 3 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Posts: Ai tempi del vaccino. Contents: Intervengono: Andrea Lavazza, filosofo, Centro Universitario ... Ai tempi del vaccino – 3/4

Andrea Lavazza
Angela Simone
Paola Mosconi
Roberta Villa

Ai tempi del vaccino – 2/4

Event: Ai tempi del vaccino. Date: 2021 01 28 Time: 32:06 min. Place: (online – piattaforma Zoom). Language: Italiano. Part: 2/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 2 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Posts: Ai tempi del vaccino. Contents: Intervengono: Giancarlo Sturloni, comunicatore della scienza ... Ai tempi del vaccino – 2/4

Angela Simone
Giancarlo Sturloni
Roberta Villa

Ai tempi del vaccino – 1/4

Event: Ai tempi del vaccino. Date: 2021 01 28 Time: 29:29 min. Place: (online – piattaforma Zoom). Language: Italiano. Part: 1/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 1 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Posts: Ai tempi del vaccino. Contents: Introducono: Francesco Samorè, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ... Ai tempi del vaccino – 1/4

Barbara Saracino
Francesco Samorè
Pietro Perconti
Roberta Villa

TRANSFORM for a more open, inclusive and democratic territory.

Through TRANSFORM, three regional governments (Lombardy, Catalonia and Brussels-Capital) are working alongside other project partners on experimental approaches to involve citizens in local government policy-making on research and innovation (R&I), with the aim of achieving more open, inclusive and democratic territorial development. The project focuses on the place-based regional Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) for innovation. ... TRANSFORM for a more open, inclusive and democratic territory.

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European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 2

This is the second part of the review of the European Biotechnology and Society online seminar series. The seminar series website contains details of speakers and topics, as well as much of the materials presented. The first part is here. Seminar 4, 21 October, 2020 The fourth online seminar in the series was held on ... European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 2

Jonathan Hankins

European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 1

In this, the first of two posts, I would like to offer a brief overview of how the first half of the European Biotechnology and Society online seminar series panned out. The seminar series website contains details of speakers and topics, as well as much of the materials presented. Seminar 1: 30 September 2020 The ... European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Quanto è ‘responsabile’ l’innovazione europea? APRE MUG talk.

Tra il 19 e il 22 ottobre 2020 si svolgerà la conferenza della rete APRE in coincidenza con il suo trentennale: VERSO UN NUOVO FUTURO LA RICERCA & INNOVAZIONE EUROPEA IN RETE. APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea, da trenta anni supporta e promuove la partecipazione italiana ai programmi europei di Ricerca ... Quanto è ‘responsabile’ l’innovazione europea? APRE MUG talk.

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Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.

Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation by Stevienna de Saille, Fabien Medvecky, Michiel van Oudheusden, Kevin Albertson, Effie Amanatidou, Timothy Birabi and Mario Pansera has just been released by Bristol University Press. The book opens with a foreword from Richard Owen, in which he offers a succinct overview of the ideas that permeate ... Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.

Jonathan Hankins