Robotics: a new science

The International Symposium “Robotics: a new science” takes place on Wednesday 20th of February 2008 at Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Via Della Lungara 10 in Rome. The conference is not conceived as a technical workshop, but as a seminar whose aim is to discuss the current robotics development in the frame of the general ... Robotics: a new science

Fiorella Operto
Jonathan Hankins
Redazione FGB

Science and Governance: the EU report on Science and Governance presented at FGB

The Giannino Bassetti Foundation deals with the problem of innovation and specifically with the responsibility that should guide innovative processes. Piero Bassetti defined innovation as the realisation of the improbable. “Improbable” refers to uncertainty, doubt and risk, things that are beyond our control and therefore require that we think twice about our responsibility. The sociologist ... Science and Governance: the EU report on Science and Governance presented at FGB

Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 3)

(…continues from the previous entry) Ubois: Do you see — I mean, another direction I could see this going is in the ways the lines between warfare and law enforcement get blurrier and blurrier. Arkin: Yeah, but that’s why I’m sticking to international warfare at this early stage right now. Now it’s granted that spin-off ... Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 3)

Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 2)

(…continues from the previous entry) Ubois: It’s an interesting question of when should you essentially exit a field or exit certain social or power structures, because you can’t abide by things any longer. Sort of the Norbert Weiner solution. Or when do you try to remain engaged. Arkin: Well, let me share my experience with ... Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 2)

Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 1)

Dr. Ronald Arkin is a Professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory. In this discussion, he outlines the ethical aspects of robotics, especially those used in war; embedding ethical codes in technical systems; and how practitioners can effectively engage their colleagues in discussions ... Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 1)

Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

(…continues from the previous entry) CG That’s a very interesting context because usually, when we think about public understanding of science or media exposure of a scientific discovery, it’s always thought of as something monolithic, and the term of comparison is by a kind of implicit definition western society. Very rarely one takes into consideration ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)

In this interview to Sophie Houdart taken at the Cerisy Cultural Centre in France in July 2006, we debated on the many links between the ethnography of science and the interrogation on responsible innovation. The work of Sophie Houdart brings to the fore many important categories, that of fact and that of event, the idea ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)

How to map complex issues?

In this interview, taken at the Cerisy colloquium organised by Bruno Latour and Philippe Descola on “L’anthropologie historique de la raison scientifique“, (July 12th- 19th 2006), Cristina Grasseni gathered Bruno Latour’s view s on responsible innovation and its relevance to the research agenda of historians, anthropologists, philosophers and sociologists of science. Cristina Grasseni I just ... How to map complex issues?

Is responsible innovation participatory, and if so, how?

Cristina Grasseni Professor Galison, you have seen that, as a Foundation devoted to promote responsible innovation, we have set out to try and answer a few questions, which we have posted last year in a public call for comments. What do think about public participation in particular? And how does this relate to your most ... Is responsible innovation participatory, and if so, how?