Preventative governance

On Wednesday 7th July, Professor David Guston of the Arizona State University presented the work of the CSPO (Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes) and the CSN-ASU (Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University) at an invitation seminar held here at the Bassetti Foundation. Amongst the participants were Ottavia Bassetti, Piero Bassetti, Oscar ... Preventative governance

Different forms of expertise

On Monday 3rd of May a seminar was held in The Bassetti Foundation conference suite with Dr Wiebe E. Bijker, Professor of Technology and Society at The University of Maastricht in Holland. An interview conducted by Margherita Fronte has already been published in Italian (Il ruolo degli esperti nella democrazia) and we now make the ... Different forms of expertise

Innovation may produce unexpected side effects

The latest edition of the economics journal “Project M” features an interview with Foundation President Piero Bassetti. The interview addresses the issues that are closest to The President’s heart: how can we firstly define innovation and responsibility and secondly push innovators into thinking ethically about the consequences of their actions, given the possibly far-reaching and ... Innovation may produce unexpected side effects

Proceedings of The Network Society, Business, Innovation and Responsibility’ conference

On 22nd October 2009 a conference was held here at the Bassetti Foundation entitled ‘The Network Society, Business, Innovation and Responsibility’. The conference was organized in conjunction with PDMA and ‘Europe in my Region’, and chaired by Bassetti Foundation President Piero Bassetti. The conference was made up of 8 twenty-minute presentations and an hour-long debate. ... Proceedings of The Network Society, Business, Innovation and Responsibility’ conference

Drugs for People, not for Profit.

On Saturday 29th September 2009 an article appeared in the Guardian one of the UK’s wider read broadsheets entitled ‘Soaring Drugs Bill Threatens to Bankrupt NHS’. The article refers to a report published on the same day by left leaning think-tank Compass, an organization that describes itself as ‘Direction for the Democratic Left’. It reports ... Drugs for People, not for Profit.

Innovation, social risk and political responsibility

by Piero Bassetti (Lecture presented at the London School of Economics – 14 May 2003) Ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honour to address this distinguished audience at such a prestigious institution, one to which I feel especially close after my days here as a Stringer Fellow with Professor Yamey. The background to the ... Innovation, social risk and political responsibility

Piero Bassetti

Regulating nanotechnology through private actors?

by Brice Laurent While some public officials claim that the potential risks of nanotechnology will be managed as early as possible, numerous questions are raised about the relevance of existing regulation for the many different nano-products. The standards and codes that are being experimented are, at this time, mostly voluntary and emerge from a range ... Regulating nanotechnology through private actors?

What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Reflections from a debate at the 2008 Euroscience Open Forum by Maximilian Fochler, Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna Science for a better life – the Euroscience Open Forum 2008 From July 18 to 22 2008 more than 4000 scientists, journalists, policy makers and other interested audiences convened in Barcelona for the ... What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Responsibility and uncertainty: new perspectives upon responsible action

A conversation with Maria Antonietta Foddai. By Nicole Lozzi Maria Antonietta Foddai is professor of the Philosophy of Law in the faculty of law at the University of Sassari in Italy. She was awarded her degree at the same faculty, with a thesis in civil law entitled “The Functions Of Civil Responsibility”. She continued to ... Responsibility and uncertainty: new perspectives upon responsible action

By Any Other Name

For people new to the work of the Bassetti Foundation, the concept of “responsibility in innovation” can be somewhat elusive. But like most other general concepts, responsibility in innovation is reflected in a wide variety of disciplines, though often by other names. For example, Legal scholars sometimes frame the issue in terms of liability, or ... By Any Other Name

Building a bridge between science and society

Looking for the foundations of the communication of science. (Bergamo, February 14-15 2008) by Roberta Gabbatore (See the images) On Thursday 14th February 2008 in the splendid setting of the ex monastery of Saint Augustine (now part of the University) in Bergamo’s upper town the conference “Building a bridge between science and society. Looking for ... Building a bridge between science and society

New Rites For Democracy?

On February 15th 2008, at the premises of the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, the sociologist of science Brian Wynne opened the seminar chaired by Piero Bassetti and Mariachiara Tallacchini about the report for the European Commission, Taking European Society Seriously (2007), now translated in Italian under the auspices of the Bassetti Foundation (Scienza e Governance. ... New Rites For Democracy?