Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 6/30

Event: Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Title: Neuroscienze e religione. Date: 2011 05 04 Time: 26 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/24128581 Report: Neuroetica 2011 Neuroetica 2011. Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Convegno. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo. 4-6 maggio 2011 Università degli Studi di Padova ... Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 6/30

Piergiorgio Strata

Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 5/30

Event: Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Date: 2011 05 04 Time: 22 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/24128297 Report: Neuroetica 2011 Neuroetica 2011. Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Convegno. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo. 4-6 maggio 2011 Università degli Studi di Padova con il sostegno di ... Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 5/30

Alberto Oliverio

Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 4/30

Event: Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Title: Contributi allo studio della neuropsicologia dei fenomeni religiosi. Date: 2011 05 04 Time: 20 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/24128035 Report: Neuroetica 2011 Neuroetica 2011. Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Convegno. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo. 4-6 maggio 2011 ... Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 4/30

Franco Fabbro

Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 3/30

Event: Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Title: Correlati neurali della religiosità e delle credenze religiose. Date: 2011 05 04 Time: 23 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/24127236 Report: Neuroetica 2011 Neuroetica 2011. Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Convegno. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo. 4-6 maggio 2011 ... Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 3/30

Gilberto Corbellini

Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 2/30

Event: Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Date: 2011 05 04 Time: 28 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/24126955 Report: Neuroetica 2011 Neuroetica 2011. Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Convegno. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo. 4-6 maggio 2011 Università degli Studi di Padova con il sostegno di ... Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 2/30

Giacomo Cannobbio
Marco Mozzoni

Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 1/30

Event: Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Date: 2011 05 04 Time: 21 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/24126509 Report: Neuroetica 2011 Neuroetica 2011. Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Convegno. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo. 4-6 maggio 2011 Università degli Studi di Padova con il sostegno di ... Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 1/30


Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

(An interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin – …continues from the previous entry) Index of questions: 13. >> We speak a lot about innovation within food at the foundation. Cristina has written about the reinvention of food and I know that food is one of your main interests. Can you speak about innovation in food? 14. ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

an interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin. Prof Andrew McMeekin works at the Manchester School of Innovation and is involved in the Sustainable Consumption Institute based at the same university. In March 2011 he was kind enough to participate in a conversation with Jonathan Hankins in which he discussed (amongst other things) innovation, responsibility, sustainability and ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation

This is the paper that Jeff Ubois presented last November 2010 at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. The presentation was part of the panel organized by Cristina Orsatti entitled ‘Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocity’. Soon we shall publish the abstract of the other contributions. Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation ... Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation

The Royal Society, a font of information

Last year the Royal Society celebrated its 350th anniversary, a festival in which the Bassetti Foundation participated in the form of Cristina Grasseni’s visit to London and involvement in the Harvard University Science and Democracy Network international meeting, part of the celebrations. In the run up to this celebration the Royal Society established its Science ... The Royal Society, a font of information

Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Last week the American Anthropological Association (AAA) hosted a discussion about sustainable innovation. Grounded in observations of social practice in particular localities, two points were particularly striking. One was the close relationship between responsibility and sustainability; to be responsible, innovation must be sustainable. The other was the relationship between social life, governance, and technical innovation. ... Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Bad ideas? A history of scientific discovery

Robert Winston is one of the UK’s leading scientists and a household face on TV. He currently holds the chair of Science and Society at Imperial College London and was made a life peer in 1995. He has written a series of books mostly related to his work in fertility and genetics, but his latest ... Bad ideas? A history of scientific discovery

Jonathan Hankins