Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 4/27

Event: Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. Title: Brain reading: decoding mental states from cognitive science. Date: 2012 05 09 Time: 46 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/42498618 Report: Le neuroscienze a Padova. Neuroetica 2012. Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. ... Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 4/27

John-Dylan Haynes

Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 3/27

Event: Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. Date: 2012 05 09 Time: 12 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/42470833 Report: Le neuroscienze a Padova. Neuroetica 2012. Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. Convegno Scientifico Internazionale di Neuroetica. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, ... Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 3/27

Giuseppe Zaccaria
Patrizia Bisiacchi

Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 2/27

Event: Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. Title: Alien hand syndrome and free will. Date: 2012 05 09 Time: 29 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/42462130 Report: Le neuroscienze a Padova. Neuroetica 2012. Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. Convegno Scientifico ... Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 2/27

Giuseppe Sartori

Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 1/27

Event: Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. Title: Free will and the scientific view of the world. Date: 2012 05 09 Time: 46 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/42456263 Report: Le neuroscienze a Padova. Neuroetica 2012. Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della ... Le Neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente – 1/27

Andrea Lavazza
Mario De Caro

PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 3/3

Event: PCST 2012. Title: From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication. Date: 2012 04 20 Time: 18 min. Place: Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/40858571 Report: Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012. From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication PCST 2012 12th International ... PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 3/3

Alexander Gerber
Ann Grand
Gail Edmonson

PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 2/3

Event: PCST 2012. Title: From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication. Date: 2012 04 20 Time: 20 min. Place: Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/40867972 Report: Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012. From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication PCST 2012 12th International ... PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 2/3

Alexander Gerber
Franca Davenport

PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 1/3

Event: PCST 2012. Title: From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication. Date: 2012 04 20 Time: 24 min. Place: Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/40858571 Report: Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012. From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication PCST 2012 12th International ... PCST 2012 – Giannino Bassetti Foundation Session – 1/3

Alexander Gerber
Gail Edmonson
Margherita Fronte

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

The Union of Concerned Scientists is about to open its new ‘Center for Science and Democracy’, and I was fortunate enough to meet and record a conversation with the centre’s Program Manager Pallavi Phartiyal. (…continues from the previous entry). J H: Global warming or climate change is a political problem here. If you come from ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

Jonathan Hankins

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Cambridge Massachusetts hosts one of the main offices of the Union of Concerned Scientists, described on their own website as “the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world” They go on to state that “UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Jonathan Hankins

International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

Notes on the Bassetti Foundation promoted panel in Florence, Italy, 20th April 2012 Friday, 20th April Palazzo dei congressi Room: Onice PCST 2012 – Parallel Session 3 13.00-14.15 From Responsibility of Communication to Responsibility in Science and Technology Communication The theme chosen by the organizing committee of this edition of the International Public Communication of ... International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

Redazione FGB

A Research Strategy for Engineered Nanotechnologies

Earlier this year the National Research Council of the National Academies published a document entitled ‘A Research Strategy for Environmental, Health and Safety Aspects of Engineered Nanotechnologies’. The document was prepared by the Committee to Develop a Research Strategy for Environmental, Health and Safety Aspects of Engineered Nano-Materials, within the National Research Council and a ... A Research Strategy for Engineered Nanotechnologies

Vincent Lepinay on Mapping Controversies at MIT

Event: interview. Title: Vincent Lepinay on Mapping Controversies at MIT Date: 2012 01 30 Time: 8 min. Place: Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/35529694 Post: Vincent Lepinay on Mapping Controversies at MIT. This is an interview to Prof. Vincent Lepinay carried out by Jonathan Hankins about the MIT Mapping ... Vincent Lepinay on Mapping Controversies at MIT

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins
Vincent Lepinay