The Innovation Principle

Recently twelve of Europe’s largest corporations submitted a letter to the European Commission , urging them to adopt an “Innovation Principle” to be taken into full consideration during policy and legislative processes. The Innovation Principle is described as being simple, ‘whenever precautionary legislation is under consideration, the impact upon innovation should also be taken into ... The Innovation Principle

Redazione FGB

The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential

The SAGE Conference is organized by the Worcester Solidarity and Green Economy Alliance. This year the conference ran over 2 days in November and both myself and long time collaborator and former Scientific Director Cristina Grasseni were present, Grasseni as Plenary Speaker on the final day. The conference was organized into workshops, each addressing different ... The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential

Jonathan Hankins

Mapping Controversies, an interview with Vincent Antonin Lepinay

Mapping Controversies in Science and Technology for Politics is the title of an EU sponsored project. The Mapping Controversies website offers an explanation of the history and techniques involved in implementing the project, started several years ago by Foundation collaborator Bruno Latour, and I would like to offer a summary of the project’s aims based ... Mapping Controversies, an interview with Vincent Antonin Lepinay

Jonathan Hankins

Bio-orthopaedics between innovation and health policies

An interview with Alberto Gobbi By Maria Cristina Paganoni “Bio-orthopaedics”, the youngest and most promising offspring of orthopaedics, can be broadly summarized as the attempt to regenerate damaged joint tissue by activating healing processes at the molecular level. In the light of the current resurgent interest, in the national press, for knee injuries and the ... Bio-orthopaedics between innovation and health policies

Innovation, social risk and political responsibility

by Piero Bassetti (Lecture presented at the London School of Economics – 14 May 2003) Ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honour to address this distinguished audience at such a prestigious institution, one to which I feel especially close after my days here as a Stringer Fellow with Professor Yamey. The background to the ... Innovation, social risk and political responsibility

Piero Bassetti

Judith Estrin: Closing the Innovation Gap

Judith Estrin is the author of Closing the Innovation Gap: Reigniting the Spark of Creativity in a Global Economy, the Chief Executive Officer of JLabs LLC in Menlo Park, Calif., and serves on the board of directors of the Walt Disney Company and FedEx Corporation. Best known for her work as an entrepreneur, and for ... Judith Estrin: Closing the Innovation Gap

Daniel P. Mulhollan in FGB

Daniel Mulhollan, Director of the US Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress visited the Bassetti Foundation on Wednesday 3 December 2008 as part of the IRER (Regional Research Unit of Lombardy), "consultation forums as instruments of trust", coordinated by Alessandro Colombo, Director of Research. Introduced by Foundation President Piero Bassetti, and Roberto Ronza, Delegate of the ... Daniel P. Mulhollan in FGB

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Technoscientific Innovation

Responsibility and New Models of Democracy in Science and Society Relationship Edited by Giuseppe Pellegrini I libri della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Rubbettino, 2008 The rhythm and all pervading nature of techno-scientific innovation and its products pose new questions for politicians, at a historical moment when decisions concerning public property and citizens’ life cannot be taken ... Technoscientific Innovation

Design-Push Innovation: Changing Accepted Meanings (part 2)

(An interview with Roberto Verganti – …continues from the previous entry) Jeff Ubois: There was a Japanese cartoon that had flashing robot eyes. They were strobing at a rate that induced epileptic seizures in some people. Roberto Verganti: You know, another example is TV shows, you come from that industry, media, where the Simpsons was ... Design-Push Innovation: Changing Accepted Meanings (part 2)

Design-Push Innovation: Changing Accepted Meanings (part 1)

An interview with Roberto Verganti Roberto Verganti is a visiting scholar in the Technology and Operations Management unit at the Harvard Business School, and Professor of Management of Innovation at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy. His research explores the management of innovation, particularly design driven innovation in rapidly changing environments. In this interview, we discuss ... Design-Push Innovation: Changing Accepted Meanings (part 1)

Which responsibility? – part 1- …This call for comments continues in the next entry…

The ambitious goal of this call is that of initiating an exploration of possible ways of reflecting on the concepts of responsibility and innovation, without losing sight of the social, political and economic contexts that grant a concrete and pragmatic scope to the mission of the Bassetti Foundation. When we mention the responsibility of innovation, ... Which responsibility? – part 1- …This call for comments continues in the next entry…