A Matter of Design – Welcome address

Event: A Matter of Design. 5th STS Italia Conference. Date: 2014 06 12 Time: 47 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Campus Bovisa, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/100512127 Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: A Matter of Design: Our Common Future. 5th STS Italia Conference A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology Milano ... A Matter of Design – Welcome address

Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis
Giovanni Azzone
Luca Guerrini
Manuela Perrotta
Paolo Volonté
Silvia Piardi

NIH program explores the use of genomic sequencing in newborn healthcare

The US National Institutes of Health has announced that it will spend $25 million over five years to support a program looking into the medical and ethical repercussions of sequencing the DNA of babies. The awards will fund studies on the potential for genome and exome sequencing to expand and improve newborn health care. Genomic ... NIH program explores the use of genomic sequencing in newborn healthcare

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Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: Interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni Let’s start with a question that is relevant to the aims and interests of the FGB, which is discussing responsibility in innovation. How would you relate it to your own interests? Daniel Callahan I have long had a fascination with technology and particularly its power to change the way we live our lives, ... Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: Interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni

How Automation is Changing the Economy, a Debate.

On Thursday September 27th I attended an event hosted by Kara miller of the local TV and radio station WGBH (Western Great Blue Hill) here in Boston. Miller hosts a Radio show that I follow regularly called Innovation Hub, and the event was a live discussion forum entitled “The New Economy: How Automation is Changing ... How Automation is Changing the Economy, a Debate.

Jonathan Hankins

Super seeing, US Military Eye Enhancement

Last week the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera published an article that touched upon a topic that readers of the Foundation website will be familiar with and may be interested in. The article is in Italian and can be found here, but I would like to describe it briefly for our English language readership. The ... Super seeing, US Military Eye Enhancement

Jonathan Hankins

Drugs for People, not for Profit.

On Saturday 29th September 2009 an article appeared in the Guardian one of the UK’s wider read broadsheets entitled ‘Soaring Drugs Bill Threatens to Bankrupt NHS’. The article refers to a report published on the same day by left leaning think-tank Compass, an organization that describes itself as ‘Direction for the Democratic Left’. It reports ... Drugs for People, not for Profit.

Bio-orthopaedics between innovation and health policies

An interview with Alberto Gobbi By Maria Cristina Paganoni “Bio-orthopaedics”, the youngest and most promising offspring of orthopaedics, can be broadly summarized as the attempt to regenerate damaged joint tissue by activating healing processes at the molecular level. In the light of the current resurgent interest, in the national press, for knee injuries and the ... Bio-orthopaedics between innovation and health policies

Deepening The Public Conversation Around Bioethics (part 2)

(An interview with Dr. Thomas Murray – …continues from the previous entry) Ubois:Great, I really wanted to ask you about cognitive enhancement. A friend of mine just came from a global meeting of international engineers, and there were large delegation from two companies, and both delegations were talking about how many people in the company ... Deepening The Public Conversation Around Bioethics (part 2)

Deepening The Public Conversation Around Bioethics (part 1)

An Interview with Dr. Thomas Murray (Thomas Murray is President of The Hastings Center, an independent bioethics research institute founded in 1969 and based in Garrison, NY.) One of the world’s leading institutions in bioethics, the Hastings Center takes an approach characterized by interdisciplinary inquiry, broad public engagement, scenario-based thinking, public service, and engagement with ... Deepening The Public Conversation Around Bioethics (part 1)

Sustainable Medicine: Two Models of Health Care

Lecture at Università Cattolica in Milan, organised by the Giannino Bassetti Foundation – 21 February 2005 Nothing is so common these days, and actually for many years now, than talk of the need for health care reform. There is hardly a country in the world where one can not find such a discussion, and often ... Sustainable Medicine: Two Models of Health Care

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