2012, a Review of the Year

2012 was a busy year for the Bassetti Foundation. In this post we take a look back at some of the major events. December saw the release of the latest publication in the Bassetti Foundation Books series. A Handbook for responsible innovation is a collection of articles published by Jonathan Hankins over the last 3 ... 2012, a Review of the Year

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2011 and Beyond for the Bassetti Foundation

2011 was once more a busy year for the Bassetti Foundation, marking the beginnings of several projects that will run through 2012 and beyond. The following is a review of some of the major events that occurred throughout the year, things to look forward to in the new year now unfolding, a taster of the ... 2011 and Beyond for the Bassetti Foundation

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2010 – That was the year that was

2010 was a busy year for the Foundation. Several meetings were held at the foundation conference suite in Milan and members of the staff traveled widely in order to participate in national and international events and promote discussion and awareness of the idea of responsibility in innovation. On 13th of April Piero Bassetti and Paolo ... 2010 – That was the year that was

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That was the year that was

2009 was a busy year for the foundation. The following review aims at giving the reader an overview of the foundation’s work by looking at its involvement in conferences, seminars, publications, education and the promotion of debate throughout the year. In February the foundation promoted a conference entitled Neuroetica. Le scienze del cervello e il ... That was the year that was

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