#Journal of Responsible Innovation
Food and Feed in the Journal of Responsible Innovation
As regular readers will know, the Bassetti Foundation has long been raising questions around relationships between food, its procurement choices and responsible innovation thinking, an overview of which can be found here. In this, the third review of Volume 10 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation (2023), we take a look at four articles that ... Food and Feed in the Journal of Responsible Innovation
Journal of Responsible Innovation: Institutionalising Responsible Innovation
As regular readers will know, in 2023 the Journal of Responsible Innovation changed format. Volume 10 was not divided into three issues as those previous, but contributions were added throughout the year. The volume featured several thematic collections, the first of which Engagement of Publics was reviewed here. In this post we take a look ... Journal of Responsible Innovation: Institutionalising Responsible Innovation
Engagement of Publics in the JRI
Volume 10 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation remains ‘in progress’ and is being constantly updated. This volume has articles gathered within collections, the largest of which may be of particular interest to Foundation followers as it addressees Engagement of Publics (one of our primary interests). The collection currently (October 2023) features five research articles ... Engagement of Publics in the JRI
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3
This issue contains six research articles, opening with Challenges in the implementation of responsible researchand innovation across Horizon 2020 from Raúl Tabarés, Anne Loeber, Mika Nieminen, Michael J. Bernstein,Erich Griessler, Vincent Blok, Joshua Cohen, Helmut Hönigmayer, Ulrike Wunderle and Elisabeth Frankus. Based on policy document analysis as a series of interviews carried out as part ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2
As regular readers might imagine, Issue 2 opens with Erik Fisher‘s Editorial, in this case Responding to difference in and for RI. Fisher identifies the theme of responding to difference in and for responsible innovation as being salient to this issue, described as ‘a rich selection of scholarly treatments of difference in the framings, strategies, ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2
Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed
Volume 9 opens with Erik Fisher’s Editorial Engaging with societal challenges in responsible innovation, in which the Editor in Chief describes how the issue considers some of the ways in which grand societal challenges have been invoked, framed, and addressed by scientific researchers, university administrators, global actors, and the responsible research and innovation (RRI) community ... Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8, Issue 3 – review
The third issue of Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation opens with Erik Fisher‘s editorial, Responsible Innovation Through a Multiplicity of Approaches. Fisher explains the diversity of approaches and fields (human genome editing, digitized energy and automated vehicles, urban innovation, the circular economy to name several) represented in the issue, before offering an ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8, Issue 3 – review
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8-2. Special issue: RRI Futures
Special issue: RRI Futures – Learning from a decade of Responsible Research and Innovation; Guest Editors: Michiel van Oudheusden and Clare Shelley-Egan The Special Issue opens with the editorial piece RRI futures: ends and beginnings, in which Journal Editor in Chief Erik Fisher offers an overview of the development of the concept and practices behind ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8-2. Special issue: RRI Futures
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 8, Issue 1 reviewed
The first issue of Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation was released in May of 2021, an important milestone for the Journal as it was the first to be open access from its day of publication. In this post we offer an overview of this groundbreaking issue. The volume opens with Erik Fisher’s ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 8, Issue 1 reviewed
Two Recent Academic Publications from Bassetti Foundation Collaborators
As regular readers will know, the Bassetti Foundation holds a prominent position at the meeting point of policy focused and academic focused debate around Responsible Innovation, contemporarily holding a seat on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Responsible Innovation (JRI) and coordinating both the Lombardy Regional Forum for Research and Innovation and the TRANSFORM ... Two Recent Academic Publications from Bassetti Foundation Collaborators
Luck as a challenge for the responsible governance of science and technology. JRI Special Issue part 2.
In this post we take a look at the second recent Open Access Special Issue offered by the Journal of Responsible Innovation: Luck as a challenge for the responsible governance of science and technology. In their introduction and overview of the various contributions to this Special Issue, Editors Martin Sand and Samantha Copeland describe the ... Luck as a challenge for the responsible governance of science and technology. JRI Special Issue part 2.
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Special Issue on Public engagement in contested political contexts
As regular readers will know, 2021 brought great changes to the Journal of Responsible Innovation as it took on Open Access status. Alongside a celebratory ‘bumper issue’ (reviewed here), two supplement Special Issues were released. In this post we offer an overview of the first with a review of the second to follow. As Shannon ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Special Issue on Public engagement in contested political contexts