In dialogo col Foro regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione

In Dialogo col Foro è il ciclo di webinar (6 appuntamenti da fine maggio a inizio luglio), organizzato da Regione Lombardia in collaborazione con Fondazione Bassetti, per incontrare e dialogare con i 10 membri del Foro Regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione e per saperne di più circa le attività che hanno svolto in questi ... In dialogo col Foro regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione

Redazione FGB

Funded PhD: Exploring how evaluation can contribute to digital transformation of health services. University of Edinburgh.

Project Description Improving the quality, safety and efficiency of care with health information technology is an important international strategic priority. Process and outcome evaluations of such technologies are important to maximise their value and demonstrate effectiveness. However, the increasing complexity and scale of health information systems presents new challenges to evaluation, including for example the ... Funded PhD: Exploring how evaluation can contribute to digital transformation of health services. University of Edinburgh.

Redazione FGB

Welfare e sanità del territorio lombardo: Call for Data fino al 31 agosto.

Online fino al 31 agosto la Call For Data per identificare i bisogni di welfare e sanità del territorio lombardo. Lanciata ufficialmente lo scorso 21 luglio, la Call for Data “Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs” rimarrà aperta fino al prossimo 31 agosto alle ore 12. La Call consiste in un survey destinato a raccogliere i ... Welfare e sanità del territorio lombardo: Call for Data fino al 31 agosto.

Redazione FGB

Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs Webinar and Call for data

Durante il webinar “Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs Webinar”, che si svolgerà il 21 luglio 2020, ore 11.00 via piattaforma Zoom, l’iniziativa Get it! Twice si presenterà agli stakeholder dei mondi welfare e healthcare del territorio lombardo per lanciare una CALL FOR DATA che servirà a raccogliere informazioni ed elementi utili per delineare gli unmet ... Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs Webinar and Call for data

Redazione FGB

Get it! Twice, Call for Solution

Sei un ricercatore, uno studente o un professore? Hai una soluzione innovativa nelle aree telehealth & home caring con focus su: comunicazione medico-paziente a distanza, supporto all’assistenza domiciliare integrata per anziani non autosufficienti e riabilitazione fisica e cognitiva per bambini e adulti a distanza? Allora candidati ENTRO 30 giugno 2020 a Get It! Twice. La ... Get it! Twice, Call for Solution

Redazione FGB

Flash Recommendations on COVID-19 Emergency

Authors: Angela Simone, Douglas Robinson, Federica Lucivero, Agnes Allansdottir, Mario Calderini, Denise Di Dio, David Guston, Francesco Lescai, Ralf Lindner, Marzia Mazzonetto, Guido Romeo At the end of February, Lombardy was the first territory in Europe to be struck by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, having to learn to tackle the epidemic in real-time. Since then, Lombardy ... Flash Recommendations on COVID-19 Emergency

Redazione FGB

Scarce Resources in a Pandemic: Intensive Care in times of COVID-19

Back in 2009 I reported on a Hastings Center publication entitled When Endemic Disparities Catch the Pandemic Flu: Echoes of Kubler-Ross and Rawls in which the author recounts experiences of participating in panels considering the clinical and ethical challenges posed by pandemic flu. Within the context of this series on COVID-19 the report makes interesting ... Scarce Resources in a Pandemic: Intensive Care in times of COVID-19

Jonathan Hankins

The social Construction of Political Action – The Case of Corona Advice

Following on from my previous comments within this ongoing discussion, and the questions raised by President Bassetti in his intervention, I would like to throw some more topics and arguments into the hat. Here in the Netherland and also in the UK, news organizations are reporting that their respective governments are considering strengthening their approaches ... The social Construction of Political Action – The Case of Corona Advice

Jonathan Hankins

Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

For the first time, humanity in its entirety is having to face glocal problems: a pandemic virus, the ecological survival of the planet, life with artificial intelligence, how to deal with the infinite space of the big bang. The historical role of those who inhabit our Earth is changing, as she no longer unconditionally agrees ... Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

Piero Bassetti

In Response to ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

In his article ON POLICY CHOICES BY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING THE 2020 COVID-19 OUTBREAK, Maurizio Bettiga proposes two opposing and contrasting (possible) policy justifications for the action taken to limit the spread of the Corona Virus across Europe: 1. fight the spread of the infection at all cost and prioritize every patient life over everything ... In Response to ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

Jonathan Hankins


On March 11th, 2020, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic. In its statement regarding this assessment, WHO has also clearly expressed its position regarding the fact that this is likely the very first pandemic that can be potentially controlled and, notwithstanding this, a number of countries in the World do ... ON POLICY CHOICES BY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING THE 2020 COVID-19 OUTBREAK.

Maurizio Bettiga

What do epidemiologists do? Investigating a controversial symptomatology in Colombia

From May 2014 onwards the community of El Carmen de Bolivar, a municipality on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia, was hit by a mysterious outbreak with a very specific target: female teenagers. The symptoms, that from their first manifestation affected a growing numbers of girls, were general weakness, fainting, headaches, tachycardia, numbness in the extremities, ... What do epidemiologists do? Investigating a controversial symptomatology in Colombia

Maurizia Mezza