Consuming Genomes – 3/5

Event: Consuming Genomes. Title: Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States. Date: 2011 05 16 Time: 37 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: On May 16th 2011 Margaret Curnutte gave her talk at the Foundation premises on “Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United ... Consuming Genomes – 3/5

Francesca Petrella
Margareth Curnutte

Consuming Genomes – 2/5

Event: Consuming Genomes. Title: Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States. Date: 2011 05 16 Time: 34 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: On May 16th 2011 Margaret Curnutte gave her talk at the Foundation premises on “Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United ... Consuming Genomes – 2/5

Margareth Curnutte

Consuming Genomes – 1/5

Event: Consuming Genomes. Title: Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States. Date: 2011 05 16 Time: 10 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: On May 16th 2011 Margaret Curnutte gave her talk at the Foundation premises on “Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United ... Consuming Genomes – 1/5

Margareth Curnutte

Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

(An interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin – …continues from the previous entry) Index of questions: 13. >> We speak a lot about innovation within food at the foundation. Cristina has written about the reinvention of food and I know that food is one of your main interests. Can you speak about innovation in food? 14. ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

an interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin. Prof Andrew McMeekin works at the Manchester School of Innovation and is involved in the Sustainable Consumption Institute based at the same university. In March 2011 he was kind enough to participate in a conversation with Jonathan Hankins in which he discussed (amongst other things) innovation, responsibility, sustainability and ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

The Royal Society, a font of information

Last year the Royal Society celebrated its 350th anniversary, a festival in which the Bassetti Foundation participated in the form of Cristina Grasseni’s visit to London and involvement in the Harvard University Science and Democracy Network international meeting, part of the celebrations. In the run up to this celebration the Royal Society established its Science ... The Royal Society, a font of information

Preventative governance

On Wednesday 7th July, Professor David Guston of the Arizona State University presented the work of the CSPO (Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes) and the CSN-ASU (Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University) at an invitation seminar held here at the Bassetti Foundation. Amongst the participants were Ottavia Bassetti, Piero Bassetti, Oscar ... Preventative governance

Different forms of expertise

On Monday 3rd of May a seminar was held in The Bassetti Foundation conference suite with Dr Wiebe E. Bijker, Professor of Technology and Society at The University of Maastricht in Holland. An interview conducted by Margherita Fronte has already been published in Italian (Il ruolo degli esperti nella democrazia) and we now make the ... Different forms of expertise

Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 4/4

Event: Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures. Date: 2010 05 03 Time: 43 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Wiebe Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation Seminar Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures: experiences from the current ... Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 4/4


Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 3/4

Event: Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures. Date: 2010 05 03 Time: 37 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Wiebe Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation Seminar Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures: experiences from the current ... Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 3/4

Alessandro Blasimme
Paolo Volonté

Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 2/4

Event: Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures. Date: 2010 05 03 Time: 71 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Wiebe Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation Seminar Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures: experiences from the current ... Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 2/4

Wiebe Bijker

Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 1/4

Event: Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures. Date: 2010 05 03 Time: 19 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Wiebe Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation Seminar Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures: experiences from the current ... Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures – 1/4

Cristina Grasseni
Piero Bassetti