Rilanciare il Sistema Italia con l’Integrità nella Green Economy

La Conferenza Internazionale "Rilanciare il Sistema Italia con l’Integrità nella Green Economy" che si terrà presso la Camera di Commercio di Milano il 15 novembre 2013, è l’evento conclusivo del progetto Green Clean Market. Il Progetto “Green Clean Market – Protecting the Green sector Market from Corruption and Fraud“, promosso da Siemens nell’ambito del Siemens ... Rilanciare il Sistema Italia con l’Integrità nella Green Economy

Redazione FGB

Winter School on the Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies

The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University (CNS-ASU) will hold its Second Annual Winter School on the Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies on January 3-10, 2014, at Saguaro Lake Ranch in Mesa, AZ. The CNS-ASU Winter School is designed to give an introduction to and practical experience with the methods and theory ... Winter School on the Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies

Redazione FGB

Developing a Framework for Responsible Innovation

Last month Jack Stilgoe, Richard Owen and Phil Macnaghten published an open access article in the Research Policy journal that is available through the Science Direct website entitled ‘Developing a Framework for Responsible Innovation’. Readers will probably know Stilgoe from various references made on this site including his ‘Year (and a bit) in responsible Innovation’ ... Developing a Framework for Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Innovating with Beauty. Videos

If you missed something “Innovation With Beauty” in San Francisco, you can watch videos that gradually we will put online. INDEX: 1a. Tuesday June 11, 2013. Innovating With Beauty presentation – part 1 (view in Vimeo Account) – Paolo Barlera – Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco – Mauro Battocchi – Italy’s Consul General in ... Innovating with Beauty. Videos

Redazione FGB

Public Consultation on Internet of Things (IOT) Governance

Recently the European Commission released its Report on the Public Consultation on IOT Governance. IOT is the Internet of Things, and it refers to “a long term technology and market development based on the connection of everyday objects to the Internet“. The authors argue that “IOT has the potential to considerably improve the life of ... Public Consultation on Internet of Things (IOT) Governance

Redazione FGB

Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione – 3/3

Event: Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione. Date: 2013 05 17 Time: 39 min. Place: Camera di Commercio di Forlì Cesena, Forlì. Language: Italiano and English. url Vimeo: Presentation: Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione 17 maggio 2013 panel RESPONSABILITA’ NELLE POLITICHE PER L’INNOVAZIONE a cura di: InnovHub SSI Fondazione Giannino Bassetti all’interno del Festival L’innovazione ... Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione – 3/3

Daniele Colombo
Hillary Sutcliffe
Silver Giorgini

Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione – 2/3

Event: Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione. Date: 2013 05 17 Time: 32 min. Place: Camera di Commercio di Forlì Cesena, Forlì. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Presentation: Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione 17 maggio 2013 panel RESPONSABILITA’ NELLE POLITICHE PER L’INNOVAZIONE a cura di: InnovHub SSI Fondazione Giannino Bassetti all’interno del Festival L’innovazione Responsabile S-LEGàMI ... Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione – 2/3

Annibale D’Elia
Susanna Galli

Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione – 1/3

Event: Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione. Date: 2013 05 17 Time: 29 min. Place: Camera di Commercio di Forlì Cesena, Forlì. Language: Italiano and English. url Vimeo: Presentation: Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione 17 maggio 2013 panel RESPONSABILITA’ NELLE POLITICHE PER L’INNOVAZIONE a cura di: InnovHub SSI Fondazione Giannino Bassetti all’interno del Festival L’innovazione ... Responsabilità nelle politiche per l’innovazione – 1/3

Daniele Colombo
Piero Bassetti
René von Schomberg

A Report On Responsible Research and Innovation

As a follow up to my post regarding René Von Schomberg’s Matrix for Responsible Innovation I would like to point readers towards a document entitled “A Report On Responsible Research and Innovation” that is free to download from the MATTER homepage linked below. The document was written by Hilary Sutcliffe, the Director of MATTER, on ... A Report On Responsible Research and Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: Interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni Let’s start with a question that is relevant to the aims and interests of the FGB, which is discussing responsibility in innovation. How would you relate it to your own interests? Daniel Callahan I have long had a fascination with technology and particularly its power to change the way we live our lives, ... Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: Interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni

Commercial Drone Management and Regulation

Two years ago I wrote an article about the use of drones and other robot devices in warfare. Times have moved on however, and now drones are much smaller and cheaper, and this has lead to suggestions that their use on mass will present privacy issues for the general public. The market for Unmanned Aircraft ... Commercial Drone Management and Regulation

Jonathan Hankins

L’innovazione responsabile – 11/11

Event: L’innovazione responsabile. Date: 2012 11 05 Time: 10 min. Place: Sede della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: report: L’innovazione responsabile. Il report dell’evento. Interview: Cosa significa fare innovazione responsabile?. Milano, 5 Novembre 2012 L’innovazione responsabile. Workshop-presentazione del libro “L’innovazione responsabile. volume I. I princìpi” A cura di: Massimo Chiocca e Luca ... L’innovazione responsabile – 11/11

Piero Bassetti