Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – 1/31

Event: Innovating Food, Innovating the Law. Date: 2011 10 14 Time: 21 min. Place: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy. Language: English and Italian. url Vimeo: Report: Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – report e immagini (in Italian) Innovating Food, Innovating the Law. Conference Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Piacenza, October 14-15, 2011 ... Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – 1/31

Giovanni Pascuzzi
Mariachiara Tallacchini
Romeo Astorri
Umberto Izzo

Innovating Food

In the light of the ‘Innovating Food, Innovating the Law‘ conference taking place in Piacenza this weekend, we take a look at the history of the food argument on this website. The Bassetti Foundation has long been interested in problems related to innovation within the food industry. The following is a selection of articles that ... Innovating Food

Prof. Colin Sage on Food and McMeekin

The following comment was written and sent to the Bassetti Foundation by Prof. Colin Sage, senior lecturer within the Geography Department at University College Cork, and refers to the interview with Prof. Andrew McMeekin posted on this site on 20th april 2011. Sage describes himself as being located “within a theoretically informed, socially engaged and ... Prof. Colin Sage on Food and McMeekin

European Food Safety Authority is launching a public consultation

Public consultation on the Draft Opinion of the Scientific Committee on the Potential Risks Arising from Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies on Food and Feed safety and the Environment EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) is launching a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion on the Potential Risks Arising from Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies on Food and Feed ... European Food Safety Authority is launching a public consultation

Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (2)

(continua da “Slow food, fast genes… (1)”) Timescapes of authenticity Innovation or creativity: which is the best concept for explaining the kind of novelty that affects our daily consumption of food? We can take innovation to mean “the improbable made real” (see Piero Bassetti’s LSE lecture on Innovation, social risk and political responsibility; in italian: ... Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (2)

Cristina Grasseni

Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

In apertura della rubrica sull’antropologia dell’innovazione ho ritenuto opportuno segnalare ai lettori del sito la recente conferenza annuale dell’Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA), tenutasi ad Aberdeen dal 4 al 7 aprile 2005, sul tema “Creativity and cultural improvisation”. In particolare il panel su “Creativity and temporality”si proponeva di trovare risposte antropologiche alle seguenti questioni (riportate ... Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

Cristina Grasseni

Terri Schiavo: Innovation, Decision Making and the Future of Ethics

Across the Atlantic, people are shocked to watch in real time the ‘phasing out’ of Terri Schiavo, which has been declared as living in a ‘vegetative state’ as a result of a sudden loss of oxigen to her brain approximately 15 years ago. Her husband, which has been her tutor over all this time, has ... Terri Schiavo: Innovation, Decision Making and the Future of Ethics