By Any Other Name

For people new to the work of the Bassetti Foundation, the concept of “responsibility in innovation” can be somewhat elusive. But like most other general concepts, responsibility in innovation is reflected in a wide variety of disciplines, though often by other names. For example, Legal scholars sometimes frame the issue in terms of liability, or ... By Any Other Name

Participatory design: an Interview with Dr. Michael Twidale (part 3)

(…continues from the previous entry) Ubois: So any other final thoughts on how to promote the concept of responsibility and innovation, you know, in public opinion and with practitioners? I’m also looking for pointers of other people to talk to institutions that are or might be pursuing this line of inquiry. Twidale: I think that ... Participatory design: an Interview with Dr. Michael Twidale (part 3)

Participatory design: an Interview with Dr. Michael Twidale (part 2)

(…continues from the previous entry) Ubois: At the Bassetti Foundation, we’ve been developing ideas about sustainability in innovation. What makes for sustainable innovation? What are things that would cause innovation to now be sustainable? This kaizen idea seems very much along those lines. Twidale: Sustainability for me means having lots and lots of feedback loops, ... Participatory design: an Interview with Dr. Michael Twidale (part 2)

Participatory design: an Interview with Dr. Michael Twidale (part 1)

Dr. Michael Twidale is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His interests include “computer-supported cooperative working and learning; collaborative technologies in digital libraries and museums; user interface design and evaluation; user error analysis; visualization of information and algorithms; and the development of ... Participatory design: an Interview with Dr. Michael Twidale (part 1)