NOvation. A Position Paper from René von Schomberg
NOvation. Critical Studies of Innovation As is tradition at the Bassetti Foundation, in this article we propose a little ‘light’ reading for the summer break. The latest edition of NOvation is a special issue that opens with a position paper by René von Schomberg entitled Towards a New Ethos of Science or a Reform of ... NOvation. A Position Paper from René von Schomberg
Journal of Responsible Innovation: Institutionalising Responsible Innovation
As regular readers will know, in 2023 the Journal of Responsible Innovation changed format. Volume 10 was not divided into three issues as those previous, but contributions were added throughout the year. The volume featured several thematic collections, the first of which Engagement of Publics was reviewed here. In this post we take a look ... Journal of Responsible Innovation: Institutionalising Responsible Innovation
Engagement of Publics in the JRI
Volume 10 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation remains ‘in progress’ and is being constantly updated. This volume has articles gathered within collections, the largest of which may be of particular interest to Foundation followers as it addressees Engagement of Publics (one of our primary interests). The collection currently (October 2023) features five research articles ... Engagement of Publics in the JRI
PhD position in Philosophy and Ethics of Techno-Science, Utrecht University
The University of Utrecht is offering a PhD position for someone who is interested in understanding ethical and epistemological questions of AI and wishes to empirically explore its application in techno-scientific fields. The Deadline is 6 November 2023. The PhD project will explore how to address epistemological and ethical questions together, to evaluate the prospects, ... PhD position in Philosophy and Ethics of Techno-Science, Utrecht University
PhD Position in Design for Values and RRI for Quantum Technologies
This position is in the philosophy of quantum technologies group of Pieter Vermaas, Department of Ethics & Philosophy of Technology at TU Delft Section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology, VTI – TPM Faculty, TU Delft, and positioned in the ELSA research tracks part of the national Dutch Quantum Delta project on quantum technologies. This PhD position aims ... PhD Position in Design for Values and RRI for Quantum Technologies
Philosophy and Ethics of AI, Waggeningen. 2 Post-doc positions
There are two vacancies for post-doc positions at Vincent Blok’s team in Wageningen in the area of philosophy and ethics of AI. 1) The group researches Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of AI (from the perspective of the relation between human agents and digital technologies) in a fundamental philosophical research project and a European project. ... Philosophy and Ethics of AI, Waggeningen. 2 Post-doc positions
PhD at the University of Hamburg in Ethics in Information Technologies
The research group “Ethics in Information Technologies” at the University of Hamburg, Germany have an opening for a new colleague. The are offering a fully funded PhD position for initially 3Y (TVL-13/100%, which is a highly competitive payment) and the contract can be extended. The deadline for the application is April 24th, with all details ... PhD at the University of Hamburg in Ethics in Information Technologies
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3
This issue contains six research articles, opening with Challenges in the implementation of responsible researchand innovation across Horizon 2020 from Raúl Tabarés, Anne Loeber, Mika Nieminen, Michael J. Bernstein,Erich Griessler, Vincent Blok, Joshua Cohen, Helmut Hönigmayer, Ulrike Wunderle and Elisabeth Frankus. Based on policy document analysis as a series of interviews carried out as part ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3
Corso in Metodologia ed Etica della Sperimentazione Clinica Oncologica
L’Università degli Studi di Milano – Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-oncologia – ha pubblicato sul proprio sito il bando concernente il “Corso di Perfezionamento in Metodologia ed Etica della Sperimentazione Clinica Oncologica” (coordinatore Prof. Gianluca Vago).Il corso si propone il duplice obiettivo di fornire il know-how metodologico e regolatorio necessario per condurre sperimentazioni cliniche e ... Corso in Metodologia ed Etica della Sperimentazione Clinica Oncologica
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2
As regular readers might imagine, Issue 2 opens with Erik Fisher‘s Editorial, in this case Responding to difference in and for RI. Fisher identifies the theme of responding to difference in and for responsible innovation as being salient to this issue, described as ‘a rich selection of scholarly treatments of difference in the framings, strategies, ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2
René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’
On November 30th 2022, René von Schomberg delivered an open lecture as part of the Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University. The focus was on Robert Merton’s ... René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’
Open Lecture from René von Schomberg
New Ethos of Science or Institutional Reform of Science? The prospects of institutionalizing the research values Openness, Collaboration and Responsiveness On 30 November 2022 at 5PM, René von Schomberg will deliver this open lecture as part of the Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University. ... Open Lecture from René von Schomberg