Complessità e Innovazione – 2/7

Event: Complessità e Innovazione. Date: 2013 04 16 Time: 32 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano, Italia. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Report: Complessità e Innovazione. Tavola rotonda a partire dal Manifesto Ibridi Parte 2 di 7 Francesco Varanini, Giuseppe O. Longo, Francesco Zurlo, Carlo Galimberti, Margherita Fronte, Paolo Guglielmoni, Mario Sanchini ————–

Carlo Galimberti
Francesco Varanini
Francesco Zurlo
Giuseppe O. Longo
Margherita Fronte
Mario Sanchini
Paolo Guglielmoni

Complessità e Innovazione – 1/7

Event: Complessità e Innovazione. Date: 2013 04 16 Time: 20 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano, Italia. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Report: Complessità e Innovazione. Tavola rotonda a partire dal Manifesto Ibridi Parte 1 di 7 Piero Bassetti, Gianandrea Giacoma, Gianluca Bocchi ————–

Gianandrea Giacoma
Gianluca Bocchi
Piero Bassetti

2013, Year of Italian Culture in the US

(Aggiornato il 26 marzo 2013) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti per l’Anno della Cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti Italian Design: realizing the improbable, innovating with beauty. San Francisco, 21-27 June 2013. Towards a new economy of beauty. Milan meets San Francisco. Artisanship, Technology, Design – From Taylorism to taylor made. «Il filo conduttore dell’Anno della Cultura Italiana ... 2013, Year of Italian Culture in the US

Redazione FGB

Smart Cities course

Harvard Graduate school of Design offers a course entitled Smart Cities: An introduction to urban Integrated Networked Solutions and may well be one of the leading exponents of responsible innovation through design. The course is taught by Nashid Nabian, and has produced some extremely interesting uses for technology. As the name suggests the focus is ... Smart Cities course

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins

Some Responsible Design Projects

In this post I would like to point readers towards some interesting design projects that I have come across during my online research and my travels around the US and Europe. The Massachusetts General Hospital has a newly opened museum, and on display is an incubator made from car parts. One of the most serious ... Some Responsible Design Projects

Jonathan Hankins

Architecture and public science communication

The role of aesthetics and design in science and technology museum. by Patricia Ríos Cabello (PhD Candidate. Humanistic Studies. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México) There are several reasons ranging from the people and experts involved in the design process of a science and technology museum, to the design proposal ... Architecture and public science communication

Patricia Ríos Cabello

Piero Bassetti lesson at the Domus Academy – 3/3

Event: Piero Bassetti lesson at the Domus Academy. Date: 2012 03 15 Time: 19 min. Place: Domus academy, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Design e Responsabilità (in Italiano). Part 3/3 March 15, 2012 Piero Bassetti has lectured at the Domus Academy in Milan for a Masters in Business Design ————–

Piero Bassetti

Piero Bassetti lesson at the Domus Academy – 2/3

Event: Piero Bassetti lesson at the Domus Academy. Date: 2012 03 15 Time: 24 min. Place: Domus academy, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Design e Responsabilità (in Italiano). Part 2/3 March 15, 2012 Piero Bassetti has lectured at the Domus Academy in Milan for a Masters in Business Design ————–

Piero Bassetti

Piero Bassetti lesson at the Domus Academy – 1/3

Event: Piero Bassetti lesson at the Domus Academy. Date: 2012 03 15 Time: 42 min. Place: Domus Academy, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Design e Responsabilità (in Italiano). Part 1/3 March 15, 2012 Piero Bassetti has lectured at the Domus Academy in Milan for a Masters in Business Design ————–

Piero Bassetti

Strategies for Innovation

Index: • Report #1: Strategies for the Diffusion of Innovations: Focusing on the Actors • Report #2: Would You Ever Use a Coffee Pot with No Handle? (Designing Knowledge for Innovation)   REPORT #1 – December 1999 Draft remarks concerning Strategies for the diffusion of innovations: focusing on the actors My brief comments regarding the ... Strategies for Innovation

Andrea Pitasi

Dal Bauhaus all’interaction design passando per Milano

Event: Riflessi di Bauhaus su design e architettura italiana. Title: Dal Bauhaus all’interaction design passando per Milano. Date: 2011 10 10 Time: 15 min. Place: Sala delle Colonne, Palazzo dei Giureconsulti, Milano, Italia. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Report: Dal Bauhaus all’interaction design passando per Milano. Intervento conclusivo di Piero Basetti al convegno “Riflessi di ... Dal Bauhaus all’interaction design passando per Milano

Piero Bassetti

Realizzare l’Improbabile – 9/9

Event: Realizzare l’Improbabile. Date: 2011 07 07 Time: 42 min. Place: Palazzo dei Giureconsulti, Milano, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Report: Milano Design, realizzare l’improbabile Realizzare l’Improbabile. Il design a Milano, ascendenze e prospettive. Convegno Giovedì 7 luglio 2011 Piazza Mercanti 2, Milano Sala Esposizioni, Palazzo dei Giureconsulti parte 9 di 9 Terza sessione ... Realizzare l’Improbabile – 9/9

Claudio Dell’Era
Cristina Tajani
Marco Monti
Piero Bassetti
Stefano Mirti