Wie wil er meedoen? Who wants to participate?
On 11 April 2024 I attended an afternoon discussion about citizen participation at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), with fellow Bassetti Foundation collaborator and sitting member of the Lombardy Regional Forum for Innovation Cristina Grasseni. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences describes itself as the guardian and interpreter of ... Wie wil er meedoen? Who wants to participate?
Call For Papers, Glocalism: Longevity and Globalisation
Glocalism, journal of Culture, politics and innovation has published a call for papers that address the issue of longevity and globalization. This fully open-access journal as well as arguments around longevity may be familiar to regular readers as they both have close ties to the Bassetti Foundation. Call For Papers, Glocalism 2023, Issue 2: Longevity ... Call For Papers, Glocalism: Longevity and Globalisation
Liberal Innovation In ICT
On Thursday 2 March, the Bassetti Foundation will host an online seminar and book launch (in Italian) with Gabriele Giacomini, author of The Arduous Road to Revolution, Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in the Digital Communication Age (Mimesis International, 2022). In his publication, Giacomini proposes the need for a form of Liberal Innovation within ICT, offering ideas ... Liberal Innovation In ICT
The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.
The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age is the latest book from Gabriele Giacomini (Mimesis International, 2022). As the title suggests, Giacomini not only offers an analysis of historical events (predominantly based on revolutions against regimes in Myanmar, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, Hong Kong and Belarus), but goes on to ... The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.
Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions
On March 1st, 2022, at the Milan seat of Confcooperative Lombardia, in the framework of POLITIKÉ, ‘the political school’ offered in collaboration with the Bassetti Foundation for Responsible Innovation, industrial biotechnologist Maurizio Bettiga and cultural anthropologist Cristina Grasseni jointly led a workshopping session involving 25 leading operators from the cooperative world (presidents, heads of service ... Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions
TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.
Bruxelles, 11 – 14 October, 2021. The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It brings together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics in a four-day event that boasts several interesting formats (the opening session was run following a ... TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.
Nel 2050, Passaggio al Nuovo Mondo – Book review
Nel 2050, Passaggio al Nuovo Mondo (In 2050, Passage to the New World) is the latest book from Paolo Perulli, published in Italian by Il Mulino, Bologna, 2021. In his latest work, Economic Sociologist Paolo Perulli takes a retrospective and prospective position as we find ourselves at the half-way point of a defining moment in ... Nel 2050, Passaggio al Nuovo Mondo – Book review
Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.
The latest edition of the journal Glocalism has just been released, the Bassetti Foundation having participated in the production through its involvement in the editorial process. The issue is titled Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, an argument that as readers will know very much reflects the Foundation’s standpoint. As the editorial points out, at the ... Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.
Call for Papers. Beyond Democracy: Innovation as Politics
“Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation” is published by “Globus et Locus”. It is a peer-reviewed, open access and cross-disciplinary journal that aims at stimulating increasing awareness and knowledge around the new dynamics that characterise the glocal reality. As “Glocalism” is a four-monthly journal, three issues will be published annually: at end-February, end-June, end-October. ... Call for Papers. Beyond Democracy: Innovation as Politics
Beyond democracy: innovation as politics
“Glocalism” is a peer-reviewed, open access and cross-disciplinary journal that aims at stimulating increasing awareness and knowledge around the new dynamics that characterise the glocal reality. As “Glocalism” is a four-monthly journal, three issues will be published annually: at end-February, end-June, end-October. The publication of each issue is preceded by the publication of the Call ... Beyond democracy: innovation as politics
The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential
The SAGE Conference is organized by the Worcester Solidarity and Green Economy Alliance. This year the conference ran over 2 days in November and both myself and long time collaborator and former Scientific Director Cristina Grasseni were present, Grasseni as Plenary Speaker on the final day. The conference was organized into workshops, each addressing different ... The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential
A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2
The Union of Concerned Scientists is about to open its new ‘Center for Science and Democracy’, and I was fortunate enough to meet and record a conversation with the centre’s Program Manager Pallavi Phartiyal. (…continues from the previous entry). J H: Global warming or climate change is a political problem here. If you come from ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2