Fondazione Giannino Bassetti has so far published 260 videos through its Vimeo account. More than 220 speakers have communicated their ideas on technoscience, life sciences, governance and policy making. They have addressed many issues surrounding the innovation challenge in society, a society of risk that is looking for solutions for its own governance.
Recently we have activated two new research modes in the right hand column on our web site. Readers, visitors, and contributors can find and re-discover all of our recorded materials.
Do you want to watch the lecture by Michael Bruch (Head of R&D and Risk Consulting at Allianz Global)? Or hear what Dale Dougherty (Editor and Publisher of MAKE) and Chris Anderson (Makers. The New Industrial Revolution) said each other? Would you like to find all the videos of the International Neuroethics Conference in Padua?
Every video has been imported to a page with the following brief biography:
Event title;
Speech title;
Date and duration;
context information.
So, the invitation is: browse the right-hand column and learn which videos are there. Or explore the site through the other research modules: category, authors and tags.
A trick: if you type in the first letter of a name, the list moves directly to your possible targets.