Your search for "speaker" returned 49 results

12 results of 49

Responsible Innovation: Values and Valorisation Conference

On May 21 – 22, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) hosted the Third International Conference on Responsible Innovation in The Hague, The Netherlands. The conference brought together researchers from various academic disciplines, as well as representatives from both public and private sector to discuss the merits, practices and necessity of responsible innovation for ... Responsible Innovation: Values and Valorisation Conference

Jonathan Hankins

Coworking, felicità e impresa

Tre interessanti incontri al FaberLab di Tradate, il primo già stasera. I FabLab, oltre ad essere officine che offrono servizi di fabbricazione e autofabbricazione digitale, sono luoghi di aggregazione e cultura. Così è naturale che oltre a laboratori e corsi, vi si svolgano incontri che trattano argomenti che i frequentatori di un Fabrication Laboratory non ... Coworking, felicità e impresa

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Francesco Samorè

(Last update: June, 2019) CURRENT POSITION – 2015-present Secretary general of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation for responsible innovation, Milan, Italy – – 2018- present Member of the Executive Board of Società di Incoraggiamento Arti e Mestieri (SIAM 1838), Milan, Italy – PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS – 2009-2015 Scientific director of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation for ... Francesco Samorè

Francesco Samorè

I video della Fondazione Bassetti

La Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, nel suo account in Vimeo, a quest’oggi ha pubblicato ben 260 video. Più di 220 speakers d’eccellenza hanno espresso le loro idee nei vari campi della tecnoscienza, delle scienze della vita, sulle possibili soluzioni di governance e di policy, affrontando le sfide che vengono poste dalle recenti innovazioni alla società. Una ... I video della Fondazione Bassetti

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

L’uso delle neuroscienze nella giustizia.

Continuano gli incontri di caffè-scienza allo Urban Center di Milano (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – angolo Piazza della Scala) Negli ultimi decenni l’insieme degli studi sul sistema nervoso e delle cause fisiche, genetiche e biologiche dei meccanismi che stanno dietro allo sviluppo dei principali fenomeni mentali e delle loro disfunzioni sono stati sensibilmente approfonditi. I ... L’uso delle neuroscienze nella giustizia.

Redazione FGB

The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential

The SAGE Conference is organized by the Worcester Solidarity and Green Economy Alliance. This year the conference ran over 2 days in November and both myself and long time collaborator and former Scientific Director Cristina Grasseni were present, Grasseni as Plenary Speaker on the final day. The conference was organized into workshops, each addressing different ... The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential

Jonathan Hankins

S.NET, a Review of the Panel Sessions

As a follow up on my previous S.NET post I would like to take a brief look at the contents and debates provoked during some of the panel sessions. The conference hosted a series of panel sessions, many of which directly addressed issues surrounding responsible innovation. The following are a selection. In the Theories of ... S.NET, a Review of the Panel Sessions

Jonathan Hankins

A Report from the S.NET Conference in Boston

The 5th S.NET annual meeting took place in Boston between 27th and 29th October, and I was present on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation. S.NET is the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and emerging technologies, and this year’s conference was hosted by Northeastern University in Boston. The conference theme was ‘Innovation, Responsibility and Sustainable ... A Report from the S.NET Conference in Boston

Jonathan Hankins

Launch of the UCS Center for Science and Democracy

On Thursday May 17th 2012 I attended the launch of The Union of Concerned Scientists’ Center for Science and Democracy. The launch was entitled Science and Democracy in Turmoil: Restoring a Great American Relationship and was held at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Somerville Massachusetts. The program included a welcome by Leslie ... Launch of the UCS Center for Science and Democracy

Jonathan Hankins

Who’s Responsible?

Cristina Grasseni and The Bassetti Foundation at EASA The 2012 European Association of Social Anthropologists conference (EASA) takes place at Université Paris Nanterre in July of this year, and long time collaborator Cristina Grasseni will participate on a panel on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation, as part of an event entitled “Who’s Responsible?”. The panel ... Who’s Responsible?

Jonathan Hankins
Redazione FGB

Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 1

On the 17th of April I attended a lecture given by Anne Wojcicki, CEO of direct to consumer genetics company 23andMe. The event which was entitled “Deleterious Me: Whole Genome Sequencing, 23andMe, and the Crowd-Sourced Health Care Revolution” was part of the Science and Democracy lecture series, organized by Sheila Jasanoff at the John F ... Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance

Scott Berkun is the author of The Myths of Innovation, which examines common pre- and mis-conceptions about innovation, and Making Things Happen, a book about project management. He has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post,, and Wired magazine, and commented about innovation for CNBC, MSNBC, and National Public Radio. He’s also ... Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance