Six years on from his previous visit to Milan, the Bassetti Foundation is honoured to host Professor David Guston, Founder of the Centre for Nanotechnology in Society, and the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (of which we are members alongside collaborating with him on the Journal of Responsible Innovation) and also the School for the Future of Innovation in Society.
In 2010 Guston presented the work of the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society, here in Via Barozzi.
Since then a lot of things have changed and evolved, such as the networks and collaborations between the various communities of study around responsible innovation, and also within the Bassetti Foundation, that has become a "Foundation of Participation", able to bring external organizations whose philosophies and missions reflect those of the Foundation into its organizational structure.
At the same time the Bassetti Foundation has become a relavent actor within the debate around themes surrounding RRI at the European level. We participate in various projects whose aims are to discuss how to apply the concepts and practices of responsibility within the real world of research and innovation: RRI Tools and SMART-map.
In particolar, SMART-map sees us as protagonist in outlining (together with other important partners and in collaboration with the worlds of industrial and civil society within Europe) 3 roadmaps on the application of pathways for RRI in the industrial sectors of precision medicine, 3D printing within biomedicine, and synthetic biology.
We are very pleased to have Professor Guston once more to discuss themes surrounding SynBio and responsibility on 14 November in our conference suite in Via Barozzi.
We hope to see you all there, below is the invitation card.
