Ninth Annual Winter School on Emerging Technologies: Accelerating Impactful Scholarship

The Ninth Annual Winter School on Emerging Technologies: Accelerating Impactful Scholarship supported by The National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure and run by the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University will take place between 3-10 January. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS MONDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2021. The Winter School will give junior ... Ninth Annual Winter School on Emerging Technologies: Accelerating Impactful Scholarship

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MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

After more than 4 years in operation, between 7-9 September 2021 the MARIE Interreg project hosted 3 days of seminars, with networking slots and video drops and some light-hearted fun. Day 1 The topic for the first day was Responsibility and sustainable strategies: Moving Towards S4+. After taking a voluntary quiz and language lesson about ... MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

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PhD or Postdoc at Karlsruher Institute for Technology

Karlsruher Institute for Technology have advertised for a team member to supports their research and teaching investigating the dynamics of public controversies over science, technology, and the environment. Among others, this includes the following: science of science communication, media effects research, media usage, diffusion of information, e.g., in debates over meat consumption, climate change, gene ... PhD or Postdoc at Karlsruher Institute for Technology

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Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti

In this, the second post in the Art in Responsible Innovation series, Jonathan Hankins is joined in conversation by Maurizio Montalti, Founder of Officina Corpuscoli and pioneer in the study and development of mycelium-based technologies for the design and production of natural biomaterials and products. Maurizio Montalti is a designer, scientist and artist whose research ... Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti

Jonathan Hankins
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Purdue University: Assistant Professor of Sociology with a Specialization in Sociology of Science/Technology

The Department of Sociology at Purdue University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of Sociology of Science/Technology. Specific research interests are open, including the implications of science and technology regarding one or more of the following: public policy; human and civil rights; privacy and security; surveillance; regulation of scientific/technological products ... Purdue University: Assistant Professor of Sociology with a Specialization in Sociology of Science/Technology

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MARIE Webinar week – 7-9 September 2021

Interreg Europe MARIE is the first interregional project to focus on responsible innovation in public policies. On 7th, 8th and 9th September 2021, MARIE Webinar Week will take place broadcasting a series of short events with updates on the project’s achievements. During the last four and a half years, MARIE partners worked together on understanding ... MARIE Webinar week – 7-9 September 2021

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Temporary Research Fellowship at Politecnico di Milano

The Milan Polytechnic is advertising a 12-month research contract in their Modeling ecological and environmental systems research program: The role of human behavior in shaping paths of sustainable development. The research will be conducted within the Planning and Management of Environmental Systems research group at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering in collaboration with ... Temporary Research Fellowship at Politecnico di Milano

Borse di studio per il primo Master Executive Cultura e Salute in Italia

La CCW School è lieta di annunciare l’avvio della selezione per l’erogazione di 30 borse di studio per partecipare al primo Master Executive Cultura e Salute in Italia. Formula Progettazione, sviluppo e conduzione di interventi di welfare culturale (220 ore) Formula formula Progettazione di interventi di welfare culturale (140 ore)) Questa occasione è stata possibile ... Borse di studio per il primo Master Executive Cultura e Salute in Italia

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European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 2

(…continues from the previous entry) Week 3 The third week of the seminar series opened with Felix Müller of Evonik Operations GmbH presenting HotSolute: Sustainability from the view of the chemical industry. Through the lens of the HotSolute project, Müller presented the interests and actions carried out by the chemical giant Evonik in its transition ... European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 2

Jonathan Hankins

Il Museo Leonardo da Vinci di Milano seleziona un Ricercatore in Public Engagement

Il Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci progetta, realizza e promuove programmi di Public Engagement allo scopo di favorire l’incontro tra scienza e società e sviluppare cittadinanza scientifica grazie al costante dialogo con i cittadini e l’incontro tra gli stakeholder. Il Museo ha lanciato un bando per selezionare un ricercatore che ... Il Museo Leonardo da Vinci di Milano seleziona un Ricercatore in Public Engagement

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Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.

The professorship of Innovation, Society & Public Policy (Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer), based at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), Technical University of Munich, announces a new research group that will investigate future mobility at the intersection of societal needs, urban technopolitics, and spatial (re)configurations. The group will consist of up to three postdocs ... Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.

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Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti

Title: Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti. Date: 2021 06 28 Time: 17:43 min. Place: Online, Utrecht. Language: English. url Vimeo: Post: Art in Responsible Innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti. Podcast: Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti. Contents: Interview by Jonathan Hankins, Foundation’s Foreign Scientific Correspondent, with ... Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti

Jonathan Hankins
Maurizio Montalti