Culture digitali-intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Il convegno AIUCD.

Il convegno annuale dell’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD), nel 2022 sarà ospitato dal Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca in digital humanities in collaborazione con i corsi di Laurea in Filosofia, DAMS, Beni Culturali e Digital Humanities e si svolgerà a Lecce tra il primo e il 3 giugno. AIUCD è la maggiore ... Culture digitali-intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Il convegno AIUCD.

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MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience

On 27 April (2022) I visited MEET Digital Centre in Milan for a double bill of Virtual Reality. I first experienced Fabio Gianpietro’s installation The Lift in the centre’s Immersive Room, before attending Matteo Lonardi’s presentation of his Interactive VR story Il Dubbio (Doubt). Both artists were present and the following personal impressions are based ... MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience

Jonathan Hankins

Working Towards Sustainable Science Practices: The Second Sustainable Research Symposium

The Sustainable Research Symposium 2022 will be held on May 19th between 9am – 3pm CET at the Princess Maxima Center, Utrecht Science Park in the Netherlands and broadcast online. The symposium is a unique free event about sustainable research which can be followed in person (places are limited however) or online. It was organized ... Working Towards Sustainable Science Practices: The Second Sustainable Research Symposium

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Summer Camp per crescere in armonia con la tecnologia.

Segnaliamo in questo post alcune proposte per giovanissimi offerte da Scuole con cui abbiamo assidua relazione di scambio d’idee, informazioni e attività. In particolare, i corsi di SIAM 1838 la Società d’Incoraggiamento d’Arti e Mestieri di Milano. È un ente morale senza scopo di lucro che opera a Milano da più di 180 anni, si ... Summer Camp per crescere in armonia con la tecnologia.

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Three PhD positions in Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg

Theory of science, not to be conflated with Philosophy of science, is a Swedish branch of STS. A PhD position in Theory of science is now open at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of science, University of Gothenburg. It is part of a new graduate school hosted by the Centre for Sea & ... Three PhD positions in Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg

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The future of One Health. Call for proposal

SoScience is a social company specialized in Responsible Research and Innovation. In partnership with the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, we just launched The Future Of One Health. The Future Of programs, recognized by the UN as a good practice to achieve the SDGs, aims to gather 30 to 50 experts (researchers, academics ... The future of One Health. Call for proposal

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Stickydot are looking for a citizen science Project Assistant

The Project Assistant will work closely with the co-founders of the company on citizen science and public engagement projects. This is a great opportunity to take part in a variety of projects with leaders in the European citizen science community and to gain experience in a dynamic and socially relevant field. If you have experience ... Stickydot are looking for a citizen science Project Assistant

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The IT University of Copenhagen invites candidates to apply for a PhD position

The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites highly motivated candidates to apply for a PhD position starting in Summer 2022 or soon thereafter. There are a number of funded positions available and the applicants are encouraged to align themselves with a proposed research project. One of these projects is: Infrastructuring open data commons: Exploring the ... The IT University of Copenhagen invites candidates to apply for a PhD position

Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future

In this post I would like to offer some personal thoughts and interpretation on the latest book from Xavier Pavie, Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future. Xavier Pavie In the biography that precedes the first chapter, Pavie describes his research activities as addressing the notion of responsible innovation through philosophy ... Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future

Jonathan Hankins

Postdoc Researcher Position in STS at Hamburg University

The Professorship of Science Studies and Innovation Research (Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen), based at the University of Hamburg, is offering a position for a postdoc research associate (TV-L E13, 32 months, full-time position suitable for part-time). The position is to start on April 1, 2022. The successful candidate is expected to play a pivotal part ... Postdoc Researcher Position in STS at Hamburg University

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OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, December 2021

In this post I would like to offer some take-aways and personal thoughts on the recent OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, held on the 6th and 7th of December 2021. Innovating Well for Inclusive Transitions The conference rationale was Innovating Well for Inclusive Transitions, based upon the supposition that the world faces ... OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, December 2021

Jonathan Hankins

Open Rank Positions at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy (STP) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is seeking to hire tenure-track faculty members (open rank) in two research clusters: AI Policy and Infrastructure Policy. Applications are welcome from scholars who are trained in any disciplinary and methodological traditions within humanities and social ... Open Rank Positions at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

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