INSS Multi Media Film Competition

The Bassetti Foundation is pleased to announce its participation in and support of the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) Digital media competition “Visions of Social Sustainability”. The overall goal of the INSS network is to produce a clearer, more applicable definition of social sustainability, and to create opportunities for engaging colleagues, industries, and the ... INSS Multi Media Film Competition

Redazione FGB

Le idee e la materia

di cosa saremo fatti e di cosa sarà fatto il mondo? Al Politecnico di Milano Campus Bovisa si terrà un ciclo di incontri sul rapporto tra design e scienza sotto l’egida del madec, Material Design Culture Research Centre. Il ciclo propone una riflessione sul tema dell’interazione tra le “idee sulla materia” e le “idee dalla ... Le idee e la materia

Redazione FGB

A Matter of Design: Imagined and Invented Worlds

(continued from previous post) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti contributed to the organization of the 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology“, that was held in Milan, Italy, June 12 through 14, 2014, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. We make available the video of ... A Matter of Design: Imagined and Invented Worlds

Redazione FGB

A Matter of Design: Everyday Life

(continued from previous post) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti contributed to the organization of the 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology“, that was held in Milan, Italy, June 12 through 14, 2014, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. We make available the video of ... A Matter of Design: Everyday Life

Redazione FGB

A Matter of Design: Our Common Future

STS Italia – The Italian Society for Social Studies of Science and Technology was founded in 2005 to build up an Italian network of researchers oriented to study Science and Technology starting from the social dynamics which characterize and interweave science and technology themselves. Nowadays the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) represents a ... A Matter of Design: Our Common Future

Redazione FGB

Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti and STS@IEO presents Institutional design to foster responsible innovation Special panel June 12, 2014 – 17.00-18.00 Politecnico di Milano Via Durando 10 (room Castiglioni), Milano Programme: 1. Introduction. Responsible innovation and the European Union Piero Bassetti Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Director 2. From scales of life to scales of governance. And back. Giuseppe ... Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

Redazione FGB

A Milano Colloqui per la Scienza

Quali le nuove frontiere delle cure con le cellule staminali? Come si migliorano le terapie oncologiche? Le biotecnologie sono il vero futuro della medicina? Si può invecchiare meglio? A queste e altre domande cerca di rispondere “Colloqui per la Scienza A Milano” il ciclo di incontri che si sta svolgendo a Milano per coinvolgere e ... A Milano Colloqui per la Scienza

Redazione FGB

Making Science Public Blog on RI

The Nottingham University Making Science Public blog has opened a debate about responsible innovation. On February 24, 2014, Brigitte Nerlich posted an article entitled Responsible innovation: Great expectations, great responsibilities. She argues that “Responsible (research and) innovation is becoming a new language for thinking about relations between science and society, science in society, science with ... Making Science Public Blog on RI

Redazione FGB

ProGReSS put Interview Videos Online

The VIRI website reports that the international consortium ProGReSS has published a series of interviews with Responsible Research and Innovation leaders on the YouTube channel ProgressRRI. The consortium aims to develop a governance model​ for RRI based on constitutional values and will eventually publish 11 interviews on the channel. In one interview, Petra Ahrweiler, director ... ProGReSS put Interview Videos Online

Redazione FGB

Responsible Research and Innovation, Science and Technology Special Eurobarometer

November saw the publication of the European Commission’s Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Science and Technology Special Eurobarometer. A summary is free to download here. The summary follows on from that of 2010, in addressing European citizens’ general attitudes towards science and technology, and aims to inform the Commission regarding delivery of the Europe 2020 ... Responsible Research and Innovation, Science and Technology Special Eurobarometer

Redazione FGB

S.NET, a Review of the Panel Sessions

As a follow up on my previous S.NET post I would like to take a brief look at the contents and debates provoked during some of the panel sessions. The conference hosted a series of panel sessions, many of which directly addressed issues surrounding responsible innovation. The following are a selection. In the Theories of ... S.NET, a Review of the Panel Sessions

Jonathan Hankins

A Report from the S.NET Conference in Boston

The 5th S.NET annual meeting took place in Boston between 27th and 29th October, and I was present on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation. S.NET is the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and emerging technologies, and this year’s conference was hosted by Northeastern University in Boston. The conference theme was ‘Innovation, Responsibility and Sustainable ... A Report from the S.NET Conference in Boston

Jonathan Hankins