Pillole d’innovazione #3

Event: Interviews with Massimiano Bucchi Pillole d’innovazione Title: Pillole d’innovazione #2 Date: 2016 06 23 Time: 3:41 Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 3/5 url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/171894201 Post: Pillole d’innovazione #3. Contents: Massimiano Bucchi, Università di Trento. ————–

Massimiano Bucchi

The Metis of Responsible Innovation, Prof. Philip Macnaghten

Early in May Prof. Phil Macnaghten delivered his first lecture in a ceremony to celebrate his position as Professor of Technology and International Development at Wageningen University. Readers will be familiar with the work of Prof. Macnaghten as he has played a pivotal role in the development of the RI debate, an example of which ... The Metis of Responsible Innovation, Prof. Philip Macnaghten

Jonathan Hankins

Jos Malda awarded the 2015 Nanonica Prize

Press Release: Reinforced hydrogels for cartilage tissue repair. The 2015 Nanonica Prize has been awarded to Jos Malda, associate professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, for developing a new microfiber 3D printing technique that can increase the stiffness of a hydrogel composite by up to 54-fold, within a similar range as ... Jos Malda awarded the 2015 Nanonica Prize

Redazione FGB

2015, promoting responsible forms of innovation

As regular readers will know, the mission of the Bassetti foundation involves promoting and participating in debates surrounding the development of responsible forms of innovation. Each year the foundation forms partnerships and promotes events with governance institutions, universities, private companies, NGO’s and foundations and international research groups. In this short review we cast our lens ... 2015, promoting responsible forms of innovation

Redazione FGB

Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World

On 14 -15 January 2016 the Go4 Joint Final Conference “Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World” will take place at the EESC in Brussels, Belgium. The Go4 conference will present key results drawn from 3 year’s work of four major FP7 projects. All of the projects share a common concern to ... Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World

Redazione FGB

Nanonica Prize 2015

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti has been actively promoting Responsible Innovation for 20 years. Nanotechnology has been one of Fondazione Giannino Bassetti key topics, to be explored as a potentially disruptive interface between science and society, opportunities and risks. Given this long-standing interest, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti is pleased to announce its partnership with Nanonica, a Swiss based-company ... Nanonica Prize 2015

Redazione FGB

Biolavoro Globale – presentazione

Che cosa vuol dire “donare” un ovocita? Che tipo di lavoro è sperimentare dei farmaci? Che immaginario costruiscono queste pratiche? Ma soprattutto, che forme di consapevolezza possiamo mettere in atto? Queste le domande che saranno poste alla presentazione del libro di Melinda Cooper e Catherine Waldby, “Biolavoro Globale. Corpi e nuova manodopera“ DerivApprodi Editore, 2015, ... Biolavoro Globale – presentazione

Redazione FGB

INSS Annual Conference Report

The INSS Third Annual Conference took place this year between April 9th and 10th, with Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attending the London site. This year’s conference was held over 5 sites, in an attempt to make the event as sustainable as possible by cutting down on travel for the participants. Several seminars and ... INSS Annual Conference Report

Redazione FGB

The Self At Your Wrist – 3/3

(…continues from the previous entry) THE ROLE OF DESIGN IN A PERIOD OF IDENTITY CRISIS. “Who is responsible? Here we have many examples of brilliant innovations, but the issue of responsibility is key and must be addressed. Who is going to be responsible for the future?” – asked Piero Bassetti at the closing of Design ... The Self At Your Wrist – 3/3

Fabio Besti

The Self At Your Wrist – 2/3

(…continues from the previous entry). TECHNOLOGY VS HUMANS: SELF-IDENTITY AND SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS IN A ‘QUANTIFIED’ FUTURE. Certainly, technology should aim at increasing human abilities. Same as the first tools in the prehistory helped man physical capacity, the new technologies of today offer the opportunity of increasing our physical and mental capabilities. All of this seems obvious ... The Self At Your Wrist – 2/3

Fabio Besti

The Self At Your Wrist – 1/3

WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES, SELF-PERCEPTION AND IDENTITY AT THE THRESHOLD OF A NEW QUANTIFIED EXISTENCE. Here the work on the illustration. “We have one more thing to cover…” Screaming voices and enthusiast applauses are filling Flint Center for the Performing Arts auditorium in Cupertino, California. “I’m so excited and so proud to share with you this morning ... The Self At Your Wrist – 1/3

Fabio Besti

The Fungus of Design

A young Italian designer whose works is extremely innovative, on the border between art and biology. Single objects that are individual in their field, forged from materials gained through the manipulation of living materials. His name is Maurizio Montalti, founder of the “Officina Corpuscoli” in Amsterdam (2010), whos goal is not only to produce beautiful ... The Fungus of Design

Margherita Fronte