Wageningen University (NL) Post-doc Position

A position is available for a post-doc with expertise in the field of artificial intelligence, responsible innovation and/or technology adoption, for an NWO funded research project that will be executed in a collaboration between the Learning Science Group and the Philosophy Group at Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and private partners. The committee is particularly interested ... Wageningen University (NL) Post-doc Position

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Self Driving Society@2030

L’avvento della guida autonoma promette di modificare, insieme al modo di spostarsi, le relazioni sociali: così come è avvenuto per le grandi trasformazioni della mobilità nel secolo che ci siamo lasciati alle spalle. Come suonerebbe oggi la nota affermazione di Ford “Se avessi chiesto loro cosa volevano, avrebbero risposto cavalli più veloci“? In questo scenario ... Self Driving Society@2030

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Collaboration with MEET, Georges Amar

The Bassetti Foundation collaboration with MEET Meet the Media Guru begins from the starting point of the White Paper Responsibility driven design for the future self-driving society, through a series of meetings following the established MtMG model. The first appointment is with Georges Amar, Lecturer in design and Innovation at l’Ecole de Mines ParisTech and ... Collaboration with MEET, Georges Amar

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Comincia la collaborazione con MEET: incontro con Georges Amar

La collaborazione di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti con MEET Meet the Media Guru comincia nel solco del White Paper Responsibility driven design for the future self-driving society, attraverso una serie di incontri secondo il modello di MtMG. Il primo appuntamento è con Georges Amar, docente di design e innovazione all’Ecole de Mines ParisTech e autore del ... Comincia la collaborazione con MEET: incontro con Georges Amar

Redazione FGB

An overview of 2018

2018 was a busy and successful year for the Bassetti Foundation and its team of collaborators that saw a host of publications, participation within numerous conferences, collaborations across a wide range of fields and several events hosted in Milan. The following aims to offer an overview of a year’s work, is not exhaustive but offers ... An overview of 2018

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New science and new politics

(Essay published in the 5th and last volume: “Scienza e tecnologia al di là dello specchio” of the series La Nuova Scienza, edited by Umberto Colombo and Giuseppe Lanzavecchia, Libri Scheiwiller, Milan 2004) Wonders abound in this world yet no wonder is greater than man. (Sophocles) In the last lines of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, ... New science and new politics

Piero Bassetti

Call for Abstracts for GETS Conference

The Seventh Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies & Science (GETS) takes place between May 22-24, 2019 / Arizona State Universiaty / Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law in Phoenix Arizona and the co-sponsors are inviting submission of abstracts for proposed presentations. Abstracts are invited for any aspect or topic relating to the governance ... Call for Abstracts for GETS Conference

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Building a biotech cluster: a meeting with Eliot Forster

On the 22nd of November 2018, the Bassetti Foundation had the pleasure and honour of hosting the “Building a biotech cluster: the MedCity experience” seminar, an audience with Eliot Forster. The speaker is President of the MedCity project, whose aim is to promote the natural sciences in the London/Cambridge/Oxford “Golden Triangle”. The fruits of a ... Building a biotech cluster: a meeting with Eliot Forster

Anna Pellizzone
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Post-Doctorate Position at the University of Exeter

The University of Exeter Business School is offering a 2-year Post-Doctorate position for an Industrial Impact Fellow through the TEVI Project. The post is tied to the Centre for Circular Economy, a global leader in circular economy theory and practice. The position involves leadership in the development and application of environmental growth and circular economy ... Post-Doctorate Position at the University of Exeter

Redazione FGB

Recent Publications on Artificial Intelligence

European Commission Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence Last week (7 December 2018) saw the release of the Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, The European Council, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. The aim of the Commission’s strategy on Artificial ... Recent Publications on Artificial Intelligence

Jonathan Hankins

Business Intelligence Talent Camp

Da Siam 1838, Società d’Incoraggiamento d’Arti e Mestieri riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo. Il Talent Camp è un percorso di specializzazione in ambito tecnologico rivolto a giovani diplomati e laureati fortemente interessati al mondo dell’informatica e che desiderano trasformare la loro passione in professione. NTT DATA Italia, in collaborazione con SIAM, offre l’occasione di intraprendere una ... Business Intelligence Talent Camp

Redazione FGB

Fellowship for effective communication about science. Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

The establishment of a new DST-NRF SARChI research chair in science communication at Stellenbosch University in January 2015 created an important opportunity to assess the scientific basis for effective communication about science; launch a dynamic portfolio of research projects to address science communication challenges in South African society and deliver outcomes that are relevant and ... Fellowship for effective communication about science. Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

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