Challenges for Responsible Innovation

In celebration of the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation edited by Rene von Schomberg and our own Jonathan Hankins, a series of debates presentations and round-table events has been organized entitled Challenges for Responsible Innovation. The aim of this series is to address the contents of the handbook and discuss what may ... Challenges for Responsible Innovation

Redazione FGB

Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: interview with Daniel Callahan

(April 20, 2005) Cristina Grasseni Let’s start with a question that is relevant to the aims and interests of the FGB, which is discussing responsibility in innovation. How would you relate it to your own interests? Daniel Callahan I have long had a fascination with technology and particularly its power to change the way we ... Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni

International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

This, the third and final collection of abstracts from the forthcoming International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, contains Parts Four and Five: Regional Practices and Interviews. The regional Practices section offers perspectives from China, India, South East Europe, the USA and Kenya and South Africa. The section raises issues of the locally or regionally embedding of ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

Jonathan Hankins

International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

As regular readers will know, Mid July sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, A Global Resource, Edited by Rene von Schomberg and Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins. In this short series related to the publication we offer readers the chance to access previously unpublished abstracts and keywords for each individual ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

Jonathan Hankins

cariploCREW Call

Venerdì 24 maggio, ore 16, presso Fondazione UniMI a Milano sarà presentata cariploCREW Call, un bando per start up, imprese, enti e associazioni italiane che vogliano sviluppare progetti per il supporto di persone con disabilità e dei loro caregiver. Fondazione Cariplo ribadisce il proprio impegno a sostenere le attività di ricerca e sviluppo di tecnologie ... cariploCREW Call

Redazione FGB

Online Conference on Co-creation and Climate Action

The 1st TeRRIFICA Online Conference “Co-creation and Climate Action. How people can have an impact on climate adaptation and mitigation?”, will be held online on May 22nd 2019. The Conference will start with the expert talk on co-creation given by Dr. Angela Connelly (University of Manchester). It will also offer good practice examples from six ... Online Conference on Co-creation and Climate Action

Redazione FGB

Workshop: Innovazione sociale, vulnerabilità e tecnologie nel contesto dell’ageing.

Quella dell’invecchiamento della popolazione è una delle sfide più rilevanti che il nostro Paese dovrà affrontare nei prossimi anni. Per queste ragioni comprendere le diverse dinamiche che contraddistinguono il fenomeno sociale dell’invecchiamento, ed in particolare la dimensione della Long Term Care (LTC) – cioè l’assistenza di lungo periodo per le persone anziane non autosufficienti – ... Workshop: Innovazione sociale, vulnerabilità e tecnologie nel contesto dell’ageing.

Redazione FGB

MEET Ryan Janzen

#meetJanzen Con Ryan Janzen, scienziato, ingegnere ed artista canadese, prosegue il ciclo Around Mobility, un semestre di ricerca e disseminazione co-creato da MEET e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti che ha il supporto di Repower e Politecnico di Milano. Janzen è co-fondatore e CTO di TransPod, realtà che progetta veicoli ad altissima velocità capaci di spostare passeggeri ... MEET Ryan Janzen

Redazione FGB

The International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

The Bassetti Foundation is delighted to announce the forthcoming release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation – A Global Resource, edited by René von Schomberg and our own Jonathan Hankins. The Handbook constitutes a global resource for the fast-growing interdisciplinary research and policy communities addressing the challenge of driving innovation towards socially desirable outcomes. ... The International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Self Driving Society @2030 – 3/3

Event: Smart City: People, Technology & Materials. 2019 Title: Self Driving Society @2030 Date: 2019 04 09 Time: 24:01 min. Place: Superstudiopiù 13, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 3/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Self Driving Society @2030 – l’evento. Evento a cura di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti e Politecnico di Milano, appuntamento della ... Self Driving Society @2030 – 3/3

Fabio Besti

Self Driving Society @2030 – 2/3

Event: Smart City: People, Technology & Materials. 2019 Title: Self Driving Society @2030 Date: 2019 04 09 Time: 25:01 min. Place: Superstudiopiù 13, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 2/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Self Driving Society @2030 – l’evento. Evento a cura di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti e Politecnico di Milano, appuntamento della ... Self Driving Society @2030 – 2/3

Tommaso Gecchelin

Self Driving Society @2030 – 1/3

Event: Smart City: People, Technology & Materials. 2019 Title: Self Driving Society @2030 Date: 2019 04 09 Time: 34:21 min. Place: Superstudiopiù 13, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 1/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Self Driving Society @2030 – l’evento. Evento a cura di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti e Politecnico di Milano, appuntamento della ... Self Driving Society @2030 – 1/3

Giulio Ceppi