Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? (Second part)

Prosegue l’intervista a Giovanna Lazzari e Cesare Galli del Laboratorio di Tecnologie della Riproduzione di Porcellasco (Cremona). (leggi la prima parte) (… ) Giovanna Lazzari: Io ho avuto una forte ... Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? (Second part)

European Food Safety Authority is launching a public consultation

Public consultation on the Draft Opinion of the Scientific Committee on the Potential Risks Arising from Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies on Food and Feed safety and the Environment EFSA (European Food ... European Food Safety Authority is launching a public consultation

What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Reflections from a debate at the 2008 Euroscience Open Forum by Maximilian Fochler, Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna Science for a better life – the Euroscience ... What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? An interview with Giovanna Lazzari and Cesare Galli

Scorrendo i titoli de «La Provincia», quotidiano di Cremona, lo scorso 5 settembre, mi chiedevo se non fosse già troppo tardi per fare questa intervista. "Chiude il Centro di Galli" ... Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? An interview with Giovanna Lazzari and Cesare Galli

About the Anthropology of globalization (2)

Il saggio di Monica Lindh de Montoya “Il mercato come specchio o modello. Come i commercianti riconfigurano le transazioni economiche e sociali in un’economia rurale”, pubblicato per la prima volta ... About the Anthropology of globalization (2)

What are the nature and functions of artificial agents?

“Our first contribution to this blog contains a brief outline of the research project, the protocol of interview that we have been using, and short summaries of our first meeting ... What are the nature and functions of artificial agents?

Responsibility and uncertainty: new perspectives upon responsible action

A conversation with Maria Antonietta Foddai. By Nicole Lozzi Maria Antonietta Foddai is professor of the Philosophy of Law in the faculty of law at the University of Sassari in ... Responsibility and uncertainty: new perspectives upon responsible action

About the Anthropology of globalization

Questo blog si prefigge, per quanto non sistematicamente, di offrire spunti di riflessione e ricerca sulle reciproche relazioni tra pratica e riflessione antropologica e pratica e riflessione sull’innovazione, e in ... About the Anthropology of globalization

Report I – Communication Robots ATR

On January 26 we visited ATR (Advanced Telecomunication Research Institute International) a Japanese company of which some branches are specialised in the production of robots and whose headquarters are located ... Report I – Communication Robots ATR

Artificial Empathy: a research diary.

Today’s sciences of the artificial extend all the way to the domain of emotions. The recent re-inclusion of the emotional dimension within cognition, in the scientific trend that considers knowing ... Artificial Empathy: a research diary.

Without risk there is no progress

“Without risk there is no progress”, and this should be borne in mind when speaking about innovation and responsibility. If we accept the statement above made by the International Risk ... Without risk there is no progress

Deepening The Public Conversation Around Bioethics (part 2)

(An interview with Dr. Thomas Murray – …continues from the previous entry) Ubois:Great, I really wanted to ask you about cognitive enhancement. A friend of mine just came from a ... Deepening The Public Conversation Around Bioethics (part 2)