Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Last week the American Anthropological Association (AAA) hosted a discussion about sustainable innovation. Grounded in observations of social practice in particular localities, two points were particularly striking. One was the ... Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Change makers

by Peter Goldmark If you go on the web to you will find the website for Changemakers, a program of the Ashoka Society. The Ashoka Society is one of ... Change makers

Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

At the Trento EASST conference, held 1-4th September 2010, workshop/track 32. “Practicing Responsibilities” was co-chaired by Cristina Grasseni (University of Bergamo / Bassetti Foundation); Luca Guzzetti (University of Genova) and ... Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

Citizen Science

In one of my previous postings I looked at the work of Ben Goldacre and in particular his book Bad Science. My argument also drew upon subject matter from previous ... Citizen Science

Bad ideas? A history of scientific discovery

Robert Winston is one of the UK’s leading scientists and a household face on TV. He currently holds the chair of Science and Society at Imperial College London and was ... Bad ideas? A history of scientific discovery

Preventative governance

On Wednesday 7th July, Professor David Guston of the Arizona State University presented the work of the CSPO (Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes) and the CSN-ASU (Center for Nanotechnology ... Preventative governance

A man, his history and his DNA

by Margherita Fronte One of humankind’s oldest needs – to know oneself. One of the most modern technologies – the DNA testing of a single individual. These are the 2 ... A man, his history and his DNA

Different forms of expertise

On Monday 3rd of May a seminar was held in The Bassetti Foundation conference suite with Dr Wiebe E. Bijker, Professor of Technology and Society at The University of Maastricht ... Different forms of expertise

Memory and Responsibility

Last month, with the support of the Bassetti Foundation, more than 60 people met at the Internet Archive in San Francisco to discuss the future of personal digital archives and ... Memory and Responsibility

Drones and other robots of war

Recently the press has been full of articles addressing the legality or illegality of the military use of unmanned drone aircraft in the war against terror. Their use as well ... Drones and other robots of war

Practicing Responsibility

In the imminence of the deadline for submitting abstracts (22th March) I bring to our readers’ attention the following call for papers, co-organised by the Bassetti Foundation, for a session ... Practicing Responsibility

That was the year that was

2009 was a busy year for the foundation. The following review aims at giving the reader an overview of the foundation’s work by looking at its involvement in conferences, seminars, ... That was the year that was