‘It feels like the right thing to do’: ethical perspectives of open science

by Ann Grand. Open science, an approach in which the entirety of an investigation – questions, raw data, methodologies, results, models, published outputs and more – is made available online, ... ‘It feels like the right thing to do’: ethical perspectives of open science

Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 2

In Florence on 20th April 2012 the Bassetti Foundation organized a seminar as part of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST2012). This international conference hosted scientists, delegates ... Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 2

Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 1

In Florence on 20th April 2012 the Bassetti Foundation organized a seminar as part of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST2012). This international conference hosted scientists, delegates ... Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 1

Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 3

(…continues from the previous entry). During the afternoon panel Sharon Terry of the Genetic Alliance explained her interest in creating partnerships between genetic databases in order to use the massive ... Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 3

Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 2

(…continues from the previous entry). On the following day the Harvard STS program hosted a workshop entitled Architectures for Life to continue the debate. Guests and speakers included many world ... Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 2

Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 1

On the 17th of April I attended a lecture given by Anne Wojcicki, CEO of direct to consumer genetics company 23andMe. The event which was entitled “Deleterious Me: Whole Genome ... Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 1

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

The Union of Concerned Scientists is about to open its new ‘Center for Science and Democracy’, and I was fortunate enough to meet and record a conversation with the centre’s ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Cambridge Massachusetts hosts one of the main offices of the Union of Concerned Scientists, described on their own website as “the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

Notes on the Bassetti Foundation promoted panel in Florence, Italy, 20th April 2012 Friday, 20th April Palazzo dei congressi Room: Onice PCST 2012 – Parallel Session 3 13.00-14.15 From Responsibility ... International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

A Research Strategy for Engineered Nanotechnologies

Earlier this year the National Research Council of the National Academies published a document entitled ‘A Research Strategy for Environmental, Health and Safety Aspects of Engineered Nanotechnologies’. The document was ... A Research Strategy for Engineered Nanotechnologies

Layers of Uncertainty

On Monday March 5th I attended the third Science Technology Policy Crossroads symposium at the Harvard University Science Centre. The symposium was entitled ‘Layers of Uncertainty: Conversations on the role ... Layers of Uncertainty

Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)

Professor Biagioli was kind enough to dedicate some of his time to the Foundation in the form of a conversation with Jonathan Hankins. Topics covered were varied, but the major ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)