Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 1: Introduction

Two popular assumptions justify the introduction of Genetically Modified (GM) seeds in agriculture. One is demographics, and especially the expectation that according to current rates of population growth in the ... Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 1: Introduction

Novel ideas on development, rogue states and international law: Hilary Benn and Tony Blair explain the new doctrine

Hilary Benn, state secretary for international development after Claire Short, has recently made a remarkable address on the new development doctrine in a lecture which took place the 4th of ... Novel ideas on development, rogue states and international law: Hilary Benn and Tony Blair explain the new doctrine

International disputes over disaster responsibility: whose law is better?

There is currently an eminent absence of international governance standards on business across borders. International disputes arise everyday in countries where we do not have access to information and which ... International disputes over disaster responsibility: whose law is better?

Notes from the Road: India between farming biotechnology and computer services

This short piece is just an overview of your correspondent’s long observation and research of the Indian’s science and technology sector. After a month or so of pilgrimage from the ... Notes from the Road: India between farming biotechnology and computer services

Innovation, Risk and Development: policy choices and the WTO

In my paper on ‘ICTs, Governance and Development: Risks and implications for Development Policy’ I raise two important issues which constrain development policy options for Less Developed Countries (LDCs). The ... Innovation, Risk and Development: policy choices and the WTO

Organismi Geneticamente Modificati: possibili dinamiche di rischio ed innovazione tra locale e globale

Come stabilire l’impatto ed i rischi di una decisione presa a livello locale su processi politici, deliberativi ed economici a livello globale, e viceversa? Vorrei prendere spunto dal recente dibattito ... Organismi Geneticamente Modificati: possibili dinamiche di rischio ed innovazione tra locale e globale

An Agenda for Innovation: Minister Stanca’s Lecture at the London School of Economics

The 20th of October 2003 Lucio Stanca, Italian Minister for Innovation and Technologies, has presented the Italian Agenda for Innovation in the Department of Information Systems at the London School ... An Agenda for Innovation: Minister Stanca’s Lecture at the London School of Economics

A conversation with Professor Ian Angell on GM food and participatory governance

Yesterday, or the day before, I met by chance Prof Angell in the copy room of the department where I work and study. For the few people who donÂ’t know ... A conversation with Professor Ian Angell on GM food and participatory governance

The priorities for the research community

‘The research community needs to complement its historic role in identifying problems of sustainability with a greater willingness to join with the development and other communities to work on practical ... The priorities for the research community

ICT policy and Governance

‘While domestic policies are needed to harness ICT for development effectively, international policies forged in multilateral institutions will increasingly define the range of policy options available to developing countries. For ... ICT policy and Governance

ICTs, Governance and Development: understanding risks and challenges

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become a major component of development finance. The United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals and the good governance imitative of the Organisation for Economic ... ICTs, Governance and Development: understanding risks and challenges