Art and innovation

This is the first of a series of reviews that Valentina Porcellana will present on the anthropology of art as innovation. Many aspects of artistic practice are linked to the ... Art and innovation

‘Audit Cultures’, by Marilyn Strathern – Book review

In her edited collection Audit Cultures published in 2000 by Routledge, one of the leading figures of British anthropology, Marilyn Strathern, sets out to chart a new “kind of culture ... ‘Audit Cultures’, by Marilyn Strathern – Book review

On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 2)

It is widely acknowledged that in a number of countries trust in political organisations has recently declined. Some are under attack as a result of their non-compliance with issues of ... On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 2)


This space is devoted to the anthropology of innovation and strives to offer both a service to the readers and a scientific contribution. The aim is precisely to try and ... Introduction

On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 1)

At the centre of the debate within the EU as well as across the Atlantic is a rising problematisation of the definition of roles and responsibilities over the way in ... On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 1)

The democratic responsibility of scientific power

Public governance of science challenges the very same definition of what is considered scientific, and therefore in a variety of respects, elitist, closed and unaccountable to the laymen before the ... The democratic responsibility of scientific power

Terri Schiavo: Innovation, Decision Making and the Future of Ethics

Across the Atlantic, people are shocked to watch in real time the ‘phasing out’ of Terri Schiavo, which has been declared as living in a ‘vegetative state’ as a result ... Terri Schiavo: Innovation, Decision Making and the Future of Ethics

Governing Innovation in the Information Society: the need to account for the intangible dimension [update 15 Mar 05]

[update 15 Mar 05] See the links at the bottom of this post Following the recent entry on ‘The Evolution of the Blog Innovation, Risk and Governance’ the aim of ... Governing Innovation in the Information Society: the need to account for the intangible dimension [update 15 Mar 05]

Reflecting on the Risk and Sustainability of Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare

The often mentioned need to innovate and reform health systems is the consequence of three main aspects affecting modern societies. An aging population, changes in technology and the reduction of ... Reflecting on the Risk and Sustainability of Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare

A Tribute to Claudio Ciborra, the Scientist and the Man

Claudio Ciborra, Professor and Convenor of Information Systems at LSE, died in Milan, his hometown, on Sunday 13th February 2005, aged 53; losing his battle against cancer. In this unfortunate ... A Tribute to Claudio Ciborra, the Scientist and the Man

Innovation, Knowledge and Intellectual Property: the Risks of WTO Regulations

Intellectual property is the cornerstone of the modern knowledge economy. Digital information resources, from software to ideas and other creative works, databases, etc… are notoriously characterised by massive fixed costs ... Innovation, Knowledge and Intellectual Property: the Risks of WTO Regulations

Bio- & Nano-Technology: who should decide and who will pay?

The convergence of biology, computing and robotics is the kernel of the recent progresses that applications from biotechnology to nanotechnology have produced in relation to their perceived opportunities, risks and ... Bio- & Nano-Technology: who should decide and who will pay?