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Innovation Poiesis Intensive
Al Salone OFF di Torino Oltre lo Specchio di Alice
Il tema del Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino quest’anno è Attraverso lo specchio. Proposto come un motto, un desiderio che porta chi lo esprime a travalicare la quotidianità e la passività per sconfinare in nuovi mondi dove il reale e il fantastico si mescolano, dove tutto è possibile. La meraviglia celata dietro lo specchio. ... Al Salone OFF di Torino Oltre lo Specchio di Alice
Looking back to our 2022
2022 was one of our busiest and most productive years to date, and one in which we celebrated the successful completion of two large projects. This post offers just a snapshot of events and themes that we carry forward into 2023. Projects2022 saw the final conferences and publication of all findings and deliverables of both ... Looking back to our 2022
Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon
Event: Art in responsible innovation. Title: A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon Date: 2022 10 25 Time: 24:49 min. Place: online. Language: English. url Vimeo: Podcast: Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon. Post: Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and ... Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon
MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience
On 27 April (2022) I visited MEET Digital Centre in Milan for a double bill of Virtual Reality. I first experienced Fabio Gianpietro’s installation The Lift in the centre’s Immersive Room, before attending Matteo Lonardi’s presentation of his Interactive VR story Il Dubbio (Doubt). Both artists were present and the following personal impressions are based ... MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience
Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions
On March 1st, 2022, at the Milan seat of Confcooperative Lombardia, in the framework of POLITIKÉ, ‘the political school’ offered in collaboration with the Bassetti Foundation for Responsible Innovation, industrial biotechnologist Maurizio Bettiga and cultural anthropologist Cristina Grasseni jointly led a workshopping session involving 25 leading operators from the cooperative world (presidents, heads of service ... Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions
Collective food procurement as responsible innovation
Collective food procurement is an emerging phenomenon at multiple levels, well beyond purchasing: for example through foraging and self-production; short food chains and direct sales; or food governance through local institutions, but also through networks of NGOs. The Food Citizens? project has comparatively investigated in the cities of Gdańsk (Poland), Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and Turin ... Collective food procurement as responsible innovation
Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti
In this, the second post in the Art in Responsible Innovation series, Jonathan Hankins is joined in conversation by Maurizio Montalti, Founder of Officina Corpuscoli and pioneer in the study and development of mycelium-based technologies for the design and production of natural biomaterials and products. Maurizio Montalti is a designer, scientist and artist whose research ... Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Maurizio Montalti
Presentazione dell’Italica Global Community
Il 22 settembre alle ore 11:00 presso la sede romana della Stampa Estera sarà presentata l’ITALICA GLOBAL COMMUNITY. È il primo e unico luogo di incontro virtuale per gli oltre 250 milioni di italici nel mondo, che, come molti giornalisti della stampa estera, anche senza avere una goccia di sangue italiano sono attratti dall’Italia, ne ... Presentazione dell’Italica Global Community
Art in Responsible Innovation. A conversation with Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet.
Title: Art in Responsible Innovation. A conversation with Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet. Date: 2020 11 16 Time: 18:34 min. Place: Online, Utrecht Language: English. url Vimeo: Post: Art in Responsible Innovation. Podcast: Art in Responsible Innovation. Contents: Interview by Jonathan Hankins – Foundation’s Foreign Scientific Correspondent – with Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud ... Art in Responsible Innovation. A conversation with Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet.
Art in Responsible Innovation. A conversation with Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet
In this post, Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet discuss the motivations and ideas behind their In4Art organization, in video call conversation with Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins. In4Art was founded in 2015 by Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet with the mission to increase the impact of innovative art in society and economy, in the ... Art in Responsible Innovation. A conversation with Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet
Oltre lo specchio di Alice: immaginazione e rischio – Milano Digital Week
In occasione dell’uscita del suo nuovo libro Piero Bassetti, autore di “Oltre lo specchio di Alice. Governare l’innovazione nel cambiamento d’epoca” dialogherà con Federica Spampinato, autrice di “La nuova scienza del rischio. L’arte dell’immaginazione, della difesa e della protezione” ambedue editi da Guerini e Associati. L’incontro si svolgerà il 18 marzo alle ore 17:00 nell’ambito ... Oltre lo specchio di Alice: immaginazione e rischio – Milano Digital Week
Per soli uomini. Il maschilismo dei dati dalla ricerca scientifica al design. Un dialogoFGB
L’ingiustizia dei dati: perché un sistema dell’informazione costruito per soli uomini va stretto a tutti. E come cambiarlo. Una nuova generazione di leader donne sta conquistando la scena internazionale. Il soffitto di vetro finalmente scricchiola, ma dietro se ne cela un altro, più resiliente e invisibile. È quello dei dati, sempre più cruciale nel determinare ... Per soli uomini. Il maschilismo dei dati dalla ricerca scientifica al design. Un dialogoFGB