Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance Workshop

The Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance workshop was held on 29-30 June at Käte Hamburger Kolleg (KHK), Cultures of Research, RWTH Aachen University. Foreign Scientific Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attended and files the following report. In his introduction to the workshop, René von Schomberg shared his view that a well-developed open scholarship science system ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance Workshop

Jonathan Hankins

PhD course in Philosophy of Responsible Innovation January 11-20 2023, Wageningen/Delft (the Netherlands)

The course discusses the main philosophical issues in relation to Responsible Innovation, an emerging concept in the EU context which highlights the relevance of social-ethical issues in research and innovation practices. This emerging concept calls for philosophical reflection on the nature, scope and applicability of responsibility and innovation in innovation practices in general, and the ... PhD course in Philosophy of Responsible Innovation January 11-20 2023, Wageningen/Delft (the Netherlands)

Redazione FGB

Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Grazie al progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM l’11 giugno si svolgerà la prima giornata della Giuria di Cittadine e Cittadini su mobilità intelligente e responsabile in Lombardia. Il progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM, di cui Fondazione Giannino Bassetti è ente coordinatore, è entrato nel suo terzo e ultimo anno di attività. Dopo l’intenso lavoro preparatorio del 2020 ... Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Redazione FGB

Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

This (online) Open Scholarship event will be held on 29 and 30 June 2022, with registration possible by contacting Regular Foundation followers will know many of the people presenting and involved in the organization of the conference, including René von Schomberg, Douglas Robinson, Mario Pansera and Vincent Blok. The following overview has been made ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

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Some Take-aways from the Sustainable Research Symposium 2022

After a COVID enforced two-year hiatus, I was pleased to physically step back into my first in-person symposium this month, the Sustainable Research Symposium 2022. This was the second such simposium, hosted on 19 May this year by the Dutch section of Green Labs, an organization described as a community and resources platform for sustainable ... Some Take-aways from the Sustainable Research Symposium 2022

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8, Issue 3 – review

The third issue of Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation opens with Erik Fisher‘s editorial, Responsible Innovation Through a Multiplicity of Approaches. Fisher explains the diversity of approaches and fields (human genome editing, digitized energy and automated vehicles, urban innovation, the circular economy to name several) represented in the issue, before offering an ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8, Issue 3 – review

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8-2. Special issue: RRI Futures

Special issue: RRI Futures – Learning from a decade of Responsible Research and Innovation; Guest Editors: Michiel van Oudheusden and Clare Shelley-Egan The Special Issue opens with the editorial piece RRI futures: ends and beginnings, in which Journal Editor in Chief Erik Fisher offers an overview of the development of the concept and practices behind ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8-2. Special issue: RRI Futures

Jonathan Hankins

Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions

On March 1st, 2022, at the Milan seat of Confcooperative Lombardia, in the framework of POLITIKÉ, ‘the political school’ offered in collaboration with the Bassetti Foundation for Responsible Innovation, industrial biotechnologist Maurizio Bettiga and cultural anthropologist Cristina Grasseni jointly led a workshopping session involving 25 leading operators from the cooperative world (presidents, heads of service ... Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions

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The IT University of Copenhagen invites candidates to apply for a PhD position

The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites highly motivated candidates to apply for a PhD position starting in Summer 2022 or soon thereafter. There are a number of funded positions available and the applicants are encouraged to align themselves with a proposed research project. One of these projects is: Infrastructuring open data commons: Exploring the ... The IT University of Copenhagen invites candidates to apply for a PhD position

Infoday, gemellaggi e reti di città

AICCRE Associazione Italiana per il Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni d’Europa FEDERAZIONE LOMBARDA Presentazione del bando di finanziamento europeo Programma Cittadini, Uguaglianza, Diritti e Valori Giovedì 24 febbraio 2022 – ore 15 – 18 – via WebEx Il programma Cittadini, Uguaglianza, Diritti e Valori ha pubblicato il nuovo bando per Gemellaggi e Reti di ... Infoday, gemellaggi e reti di città

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Collective food procurement as responsible innovation

Collective food procurement is an emerging phenomenon at multiple levels, well beyond purchasing: for example through foraging and self-production; short food chains and direct sales; or food governance through local institutions, but also through networks of NGOs. The Food Citizens? project has comparatively investigated in the cities of Gdańsk (Poland), Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and Turin ... Collective food procurement as responsible innovation

Redazione FGB

Book Review: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. Organisational and National Conditions.

Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation Organisational and National Conditions is a Springer Brief in Ethics written by Christian Wittrock, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Auke Pols, Philip Macnaghten and David Ludwig, several of whom will be familiar names to Bassetti Foundation followers. The book is an analysis of data collected in the EU Horizon 2020 RRI-Practice study and ... Book Review: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. Organisational and National Conditions.

Jonathan Hankins