Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 4/5

Event: Transizione energetica giusta per tutti.Title: Le raccomandazioni del Progetto FETA Fair Energy Transition for AllDate: 2022 10 18Time: 47:17 min.Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano.Language: Italiano.Part: 4/5url Vimeo: Album in Flickr e post in Instagram: 1, 2, 3, 4.Podcast: la singola parte 4 di 5, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify)Post: Fair ... Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 4/5

Marina Varvesi
Sara Capuzzo
Valentina Amorese

Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 3/5

Event: Transizione energetica giusta per tutti.Title: Le raccomandazioni del Progetto FETA Fair Energy Transition for AllDate: 2022 10 18Time: 31:34 min.Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano.Language: Italiano.Part: 3/5url Vimeo: Album in Flickr e post in Instagram: 1, 2, 3, 4.Podcast: la singola parte 3 di 5, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify)Post: Fair ... Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 3/5

Carlo Alberto Nucci
Laura Colombo

Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 2/5

Event: Transizione energetica giusta per tutti.Title: Le raccomandazioni del Progetto FETA Fair Energy Transition for AllDate: 2022 10 18Time: 35:23 min.Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano.Language: Italiano.Part: 2/5url Vimeo: Album in Flickr e post in Instagram: 1, 2, 3, 4.Podcast: la singola parte 2 di 5, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify)Post: Fair ... Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 2/5

Anna Pellizzone
Valerio Amendola

Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 1/5

Event: Transizione energetica giusta per tutti.Title: Le raccomandazioni del Progetto FETA Fair Energy Transition for AllDate: 2022 10 18Time: 27:34 min.Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano.Language: Italiano.Part: 1/5url Vimeo: Album in Flickr e post in Instagram: 1, 2, 3, 4.Podcast: la singola parte 1 di 5, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify)Post: Fair ... Transizione energetica giusta per tutti – 1/5

Angela Simone
Luigi Di Marco
Piero Bassetti

Transizione energetica giusta per tutti

Le raccomandazioni di cittadini ed esperti (Progetto FETA – Fair Energy Transition for All) Il prossimo 18 ottobre 2022 alle ore 10:30 si svolgerà la Conferenza online “TRANSIZIONE ENERGETICA GIUSTA PER TUTTI. Le raccomandazioni di cittadini ed esperti (Progetto FETA – Fair Energy Transition for All)”, organizzata da Fondazione Giannino Bassetti nell’ambito del Festival dello ... Transizione energetica giusta per tutti

Redazione FGB

Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed

Volume 9 opens with Erik Fisher’s Editorial Engaging with societal challenges in responsible innovation, in which the Editor in Chief describes how the issue considers some of the ways in which grand societal challenges have been invoked, framed, and addressed by scientific researchers, university administrators, global actors, and the responsible research and innovation (RRI) community ... Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.

The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age is the latest book from Gabriele Giacomini (Mimesis International, 2022). As the title suggests, Giacomini not only offers an analysis of historical events (predominantly based on revolutions against regimes in Myanmar, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, Hong Kong and Belarus), but goes on to ... The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.

Jonathan Hankins

Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices

Earlier this summer (May of 2022) The committee on Responsible Computing Research of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in the USA published a Consensus Study Report entitled Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices (following a request from the National Science Foundation). I attended its virtual launch and duly downloaded the prepublication ... Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices

Jonathan Hankins

Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance Workshop

The Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance workshop was held on 29-30 June at Käte Hamburger Kolleg (KHK), Cultures of Research, RWTH Aachen University. Foreign Scientific Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attended and files the following report. In his introduction to the workshop, René von Schomberg shared his view that a well-developed open scholarship science system ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance Workshop

Jonathan Hankins

PhD course in Philosophy of Responsible Innovation January 11-20 2023, Wageningen/Delft (the Netherlands)

The course discusses the main philosophical issues in relation to Responsible Innovation, an emerging concept in the EU context which highlights the relevance of social-ethical issues in research and innovation practices. This emerging concept calls for philosophical reflection on the nature, scope and applicability of responsibility and innovation in innovation practices in general, and the ... PhD course in Philosophy of Responsible Innovation January 11-20 2023, Wageningen/Delft (the Netherlands)

Redazione FGB

Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Grazie al progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM l’11 giugno si svolgerà la prima giornata della Giuria di Cittadine e Cittadini su mobilità intelligente e responsabile in Lombardia. Il progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM, di cui Fondazione Giannino Bassetti è ente coordinatore, è entrato nel suo terzo e ultimo anno di attività. Dopo l’intenso lavoro preparatorio del 2020 ... Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Redazione FGB

Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

This (online) Open Scholarship event will be held on 29 and 30 June 2022, with registration possible by contacting Regular Foundation followers will know many of the people presenting and involved in the organization of the conference, including René von Schomberg, Douglas Robinson, Mario Pansera and Vincent Blok. The following overview has been made ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

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