Integrated Network for Social Sustainability

Jonathan Hankins is pleased to have received and accepted the offer to participate in the National Science Foundation funded Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) as a representative of the Bassetti Foundation. The overall goal of the network is to produce a clearer, more applicable definition of social sustainability, and to create opportunities for engaging ... Integrated Network for Social Sustainability

Redazione FGB

Beyond Alternative Food Networks, a book review

Long time Bassetti Foundation collaborator Cristina Grasseni recently published her latest book. Beyond Alternative Food Networks is described by MIT Professor Heather Paxson as “Much more than a book about alternative ways of sourcing and consuming food…. it challenges the rationalist mythology at the heart of capitalism and reveals the affective relations and contingent practices ... Beyond Alternative Food Networks, a book review

Cristina Grasseni
Redazione FGB

Focus on SciencesPo

On Feb 10th 2014, long time friend of the Bassetti Foundation Bruno Latour opens his Scientific Humanities course to the world in MOOC form. The course is offered online, is conducted in English and is free, with just a simple registration required. According to the website “Scientific humanities means the extension of interpretative skills to ... Focus on SciencesPo

Jonathan Hankins

Innovare le Politiche di Prevenzione e Contrasto all’Illegalità

In occasione della presentazione degli esiti della ricerca sul settore della logistica condotta da RISSC nell’ambito del progetto “Green Clean Market”, promosso da Transparency International Italia nel quadro del Siemens Integrity Initiative in collaborazione con il Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica, presso la sede della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, si tiene un seminario a inviti nell’area-pilota di ... Innovare le Politiche di Prevenzione e Contrasto all’Illegalità

Redazione FGB

Capire e vivere in democrazia

L’esperienza istituzionale della Confederazione Svizzera presenta, nella sua originalità e storia, un’occasione per ri-pensare e ri-flettere come allocare le risorse attraverso forme di democrazia innovative. Oltre le forme istituzionali tradizionali, si fa strada oggi una coscienza diversa nel percepito istituzionale, politico e sociale, che guarda a nuove prospettive in cui disegnare e ri-conoscere i beni ... Capire e vivere in democrazia

Redazione FGB

Blogging Responsible Innovation

In this post I would like to take a look at how and where Responsible Innovation is addressed through blogging. Last week saw the launch of the (University of) Manchester Policy Blogs. The blogs provide a platform for researchers and academics to blog about policy-related issues, including how science policy relates to and interacts with ... Blogging Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Public Consultation on Internet of Things (IOT) Governance

Recently the European Commission released its Report on the Public Consultation on IOT Governance. IOT is the Internet of Things, and it refers to “a long term technology and market development based on the connection of everyday objects to the Internet“. The authors argue that “IOT has the potential to considerably improve the life of ... Public Consultation on Internet of Things (IOT) Governance

Redazione FGB

A Conversation with Hilary Sutcliffe of Matter

Hilary Sutcliffe is the Director of Matter, described on the homepage as ” a new ‘action tank’ whose aim is “Bringing Responsible Innovation to life”. As a follow up to his review of their “Report On Responsible Research and Innovation” Jonathan Hankins posed a series of questions regarding the future of Responsible Innovation to the ... A Conversation with Hilary Sutcliffe of Matter

Jonathan Hankins

About the Anthropology of globalization

Questo blog si prefigge, per quanto non sistematicamente, di offrire spunti di riflessione e ricerca sulle reciproche relazioni tra pratica e riflessione antropologica e pratica e riflessione sull’innovazione, e in particolare sul problema della responsabilità dell’innovazione. Si tratta di una interconnessione non ovvia, scarsamente tematizzata. Tuttavia è possibile mappare alcuni contributi, anche e soprattutto ai ... About the Anthropology of globalization

Cristina Grasseni
Valentina Porcellana

Which responsibility? – part 1- …This call for comments continues in the next entry…

The ambitious goal of this call is that of initiating an exploration of possible ways of reflecting on the concepts of responsibility and innovation, without losing sight of the social, political and economic contexts that grant a concrete and pragmatic scope to the mission of the Bassetti Foundation. When we mention the responsibility of innovation, ... Which responsibility? – part 1- …This call for comments continues in the next entry…

Assembly or Assemblage? A lecture by Bruno Latour

Event: A lecture by Bruno Latour. Title: Assembly or Assemblage? Politics and Polytechnics. Date: 2003 11 17 Time: 135 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Bruno Latour in FGB. On 27 October 2003 we opened the Call for Comments entitled “No Innovation without Representation (A ... Assembly or Assemblage? A lecture by Bruno Latour

Bruno Latour