Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

On November, 14th, The Fondazione Bassetti had the honor to host Professor David Guston, Founding Director of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and Co-Director of the Institute for the Future of Innovation in Society Arizona State University. Professor Guston spoke on Synbio and he held a lecture titled “From Frankenstein to ... Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

Angela Simone
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David Guston in Bassetti Foundation

Six years on from his previous visit to Milan, the Bassetti Foundation is honoured to host Professor David Guston, Founder of the Centre for Nanotechnology in Society, and the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (of which we are members alongside collaborating with him on the Journal of Responsible Innovation) and also the School for the ... David Guston in Bassetti Foundation

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Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 3, Issue 1 Reviewed

Earlier this summer saw the publication of the first issue of Volume 3 of the Journal of Responsible innovation. In this post we review the issue, the first to be published under new Editor In Chief Erik Fisher. In his first editorial in this position, Fisher describes how the journal has grown since its launch ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 3, Issue 1 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

2016 INSS Meeting Report

The Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) 2016 conference took place between 8 and 10 June, and was once again held at multiple sites across the USA and Europe. The London site was hosted at University College London (UCL), with Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attending on behalf of the Foundation and presenting his work looking ... 2016 INSS Meeting Report

Jonathan Hankins

Advocacy e Training

Il 18 maggio, dalle ore 10.30 alle 17.30 si terrà a Roma il primo evento italiano di Advocacy e Training del progetto europeo RRI Tools (, finanziato dal Settimo Programma Quadro, nell’ambito del quale Fondazione Cariplo – coordinatore Hub per l’Italia e la Svizzera – e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, partner dell’Hub Italiano, collaborano al think ... Advocacy e Training

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Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.

The Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts International Conference took place between March 11th and 12th, 2016 at the Donastia International physics Centre, Donastia-San Sebastian. The conference was followed by the Annual VIRI meeting. I attended both the conference and the AGM in my role as Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent. In ... Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.

Jonathan Hankins
Sally Randles

Il Secondo Forum Rebirth

In occasione dell’inaugurazione dell’opera di Michelangelo Pistoletto, La Mela Reintegrata (che viene installata permanentemente in piazza Duca d’Aosta, davanti alla Stazione Centrale di Milano), Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto ha organizzato il Rebirth Forum, che si sta svolgendo in questi giorni: dal 17 al 19 marzo presso la Sala del Cenacolo del Museo della Scienza e ... Il Secondo Forum Rebirth

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2015, promoting responsible forms of innovation

As regular readers will know, the mission of the Bassetti foundation involves promoting and participating in debates surrounding the development of responsible forms of innovation. Each year the foundation forms partnerships and promotes events with governance institutions, universities, private companies, NGO’s and foundations and international research groups. In this short review we cast our lens ... 2015, promoting responsible forms of innovation

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Volume 2, Journal of Responsible Innovation, a review

The close of the year saw the publication of the third and final issue of Volume 2 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. In this article we review the volume. Early in 2015, Volume 2 opened with the publication of issue 1. Articles included 4 research articles and a special perspectives section: responsible research and ... Volume 2, Journal of Responsible Innovation, a review

Jonathan Hankins

CORES LAB on Consumption, Networks and Practices of Sustainable Economies

Late in 2015 the CORES Laboratory launched their new Youtube channel. Videos available include an interview with Foundation Collaborator Cristina Grasseni during the recent Food, Sustainability and Territory Conference (see also below), an interview with Daniel Tarozzi from “Italia che cambia” (in Italian) and an interview and Key Note Speech from Prof. Colin Sage. Readers ... CORES LAB on Consumption, Networks and Practices of Sustainable Economies

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World

On 14 -15 January 2016 the Go4 Joint Final Conference “Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World” will take place at the EESC in Brussels, Belgium. The Go4 conference will present key results drawn from 3 year’s work of four major FP7 projects. All of the projects share a common concern to ... Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World

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Milano: chi scrive la storia di una città in trasformazione?

LABORATORIO Università degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Studi Storici in collaborazione con: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti | Associazione Globus et Locus | Associazione Lapsus a.a. 2015‐2016 Cattedra di Storia delle Dottrine Politiche Docente proponente: Prof. Nicola Del Corno Docente responsabile: Dott. Luigi Vergallo Organizzazione a cura de: Associazione Lapsus Laboratorio da 3cfu PROGRAMMA DEL LABORATORIO ... Milano: chi scrive la storia di una città in trasformazione?

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