Science Communication School (SCS)

7 May 2018 – 12 May 2018, Castiglione del Lago, Italy The school has the aim of offering overview and training of scientific communication skills in all its forms. The school will treat communication not only with an “educative aim” but also with a “scientific aim”. The lecturers will therefore not only present an overview ... Science Communication School (SCS)

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La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione – 3/3

Event: CIMULACT. La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione Date: 2018 03 20 Time: 27 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 3/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione. Introduction: Presentazione di CIMULACT, la voce dei cittadini nella ... La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione – 3/3


La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione – 2/3

Event: CIMULACT. La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione Date: 2018 03 20 Time: 57 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 2/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione. Introduction: Presentazione di CIMULACT, la voce dei cittadini nella ... La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione – 2/3

Angela Simone
Angelo Gatto
Enza Cristofaro
Marzia Mazzonetto
Simona Beolchi

La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione – 1/3

Event: CIMULACT. La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione Date: 2018 03 20 Time: 37 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 1/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione. Introduction: Presentazione di CIMULACT, la voce dei cittadini nella ... La voce dei cittadini nell’agenda europea di ricerca e innovazione – 1/3

Angela Simone
Anna Meroni
Daniela Selloni
Martina Rossi

Presentazione di CIMULACT, la voce dei cittadini nella futura agenda di ricerca e innovazione della Commissione Europea.

Martedì 20 marzo 2018, alle ore 18, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha il piacere di ospitare CIMULACT La voce dei cittadini nella futura agenda di ricerca e innovazione della Commissione Europea. Il progetto europeo CIMULACT (Citizen and Multi-Actor Consultation on Horizon 2020), sviluppato da un consorzio di ricerca di cui fa parte il POLIMI DESIS Lab ... Presentazione di CIMULACT, la voce dei cittadini nella futura agenda di ricerca e innovazione della Commissione Europea.

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Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

The latest edition of the journal Glocalism has just been released, the Bassetti Foundation having participated in the production through its involvement in the editorial process. The issue is titled Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, an argument that as readers will know very much reflects the Foundation’s standpoint. As the editorial points out, at the ... Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4 Issue 3

Late 2017 saw the publication of the latest issue of the Journal of responsible Innovation. In this post we review the collection of articles. In his editorial Politics of Scientific Reflection, Editor in Chief Erik Fisher addresses the problem of asking scientists to reflect upon a host of normative questions such as the social use ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4 Issue 3

Jonathan Hankins

Doctoral positions in Practical Philosophy within the Gothenburg-Lund Responsibility Project

The positions are offered by Lund University, Department of Philosophy. Lund University was founded in 1666 and has 42 000 students and 7 400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. At the Department of Philosophy, research and education is conducted within three subjects: Cognitive science, Practical philosophy and Theoretical philosophy. While these subjects to ... Doctoral positions in Practical Philosophy within the Gothenburg-Lund Responsibility Project

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A Look Back on 2017

2017 was our busiest year yet at the Bassetti Foundation. This review offers an overview of the year’s work on both the Italian National and broader European and international stage. THROUGHOUT THE YEAR – The SMART-Map Project SMART-map (RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies) is a coordination and support action ... A Look Back on 2017

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Research contract named ‘industry 4.0, digital capitalism and their social consequences’.

Selection, based on work to date and interview, for a research contract named “Industry 4.0, digital capitalism and their social consequences” as part of the research programme Bando Regione Toscana POR-FSE 2014-2020 acronym PASSI, research project I4CS. This research contract is financed at 50% from the resources of POR FSE 2014-2020 and is part of ... Research contract named ‘industry 4.0, digital capitalism and their social consequences’.

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Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

On December 14th 2017 René von Schomberg visited the Foundation for a dialogue entitled Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation. —————————- PODCAST Also in the apps:                ————————————————— Von Schomberg opened the dialogue by asking the question of which were the right impacts that innovation should work towards and how could we agree on this. In ... Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

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The Regional Forum for Research and Innovation

In their sitting of 28 December, the Lombard Regional Government nominated ten international experts in the relationship between technoscience and society. The experts will make up the Regional Forum for Research and Innovation, recently created under the 29/2016 law following a call that received 150 candidates from across the globe and closed in September. The ... The Regional Forum for Research and Innovation

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