Discussing Responsible Innovation in the Netherlands: a stroll from Lunetten to Utrecht centre

Jonathan Hankins – On Friday 22 March I met up with Marco Innocenti, an Industrial PhD candidate in the Philosophy of Responsible Innovation at Milan University. Our shared interests are much broader than just responsibility in innovation, stretching through art and poiesis to questions surrounding the relationship between aesthetics and functionality, topics that are closely tied ... Discussing Responsible Innovation in the Netherlands: a stroll from Lunetten to Utrecht centre

Jonathan Hankins
Marco Innocenti

Journal of Responsible Innovation: Institutionalising Responsible Innovation

As regular readers will know, in 2023 the Journal of Responsible Innovation changed format. Volume 10 was not divided into three issues as those previous, but contributions were added throughout the year. The volume featured several thematic collections, the first of which Engagement of Publics was reviewed here. In this post we take a look ... Journal of Responsible Innovation: Institutionalising Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Le sfide di una popolazione che invecchia – intervento di Piero Bassetti

Event: Milan Longevity Summit Title: Le sfide di una popolazione che invecchia – intervento di Piero Bassetti Date: 2024 03 27 Time: 21:02 min. Place: Università degli Studi di Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 1/2 url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/928485100 Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 1 di 2, Piero Bassetti alla Tavola Rotonda “Salute e ... Le sfide di una popolazione che invecchia – intervento di Piero Bassetti

Piero Bassetti

Researcher Position at AIT

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is seeking to fill a vacancy for an experienced researcher at its Center for Innovation Systems and Policy. AIT is Austria’s largest applied public research organization, with its Center for Innovation Systems and Policy doing research and advising national and regional authorities as well as European institutions on matters of ... Researcher Position at AIT

Redazione FGB

Meet the Media Guru: Jamie Metzl e presentazione ‘A society for all ages’

Event: Milan Longevity Summit Title: Hacking Age, Meet the Media Guru con Jamie Metzl + presentazione del white paper “A society for all ages” Date: 2024 03 21 Time: 1:19:08 min. Place: Meet Digital Culture Center. Language: Italian and English. Part: 2/2 url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/930215558 Photos: Album in Flickr e immagini in Instagram: 1, 2, ... Meet the Media Guru: Jamie Metzl e presentazione ‘A society for all ages’

Francesco Samorè
Jamie Metzl
Maria Grazia Mattei

Glocalism. Ten Years of Culture, Politics and Innovation

To celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, Piero Bassetti (President of the Bassetti Foundation and Globus and Locus) and Davide Cadeddu (Editor in Chief of Glocalism) have edited an open access collection of articles for publication through Milan University Press. In the editorial that precedes this collection, Bassetti, Cadeddu ... Glocalism. Ten Years of Culture, Politics and Innovation

Redazione FGB

Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design

Between 11 – 12 January I attended the Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design Conference held in Utrecht, Netherlands. The conference was hosted by the Chain Project, a Dutch Research Council (NWO) funded initiative that focuses on blockchain in the network society. From the project website: Governments are developing blockchain ... Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design

Jonathan Hankins

Italiani ed italici verso le elezioni europee

Convegno ITALIANI ED ITALICI VERSO LE ELEZIONI EUROPEE Palazzo Giustiniani (Sala Zuccari), Via della Dogana Vecchia n. 29 – Roma Venerdì 26 gennaio 2024, ore 09.30 – 13.30 L’Italia si conferma la prima potenza culturale al mondo. Lo ribadiscono nei loro sondaggi i principali centri di ricerca internazionali. E, a contribuire alla difesa e all’accrescimento ... Italiani ed italici verso le elezioni europee

Looking back on 2023

2023 was our busiest and most exciting year to date. It saw the launch of the new Fondazione Bassetti website, the development of a host of new and long-established collaborations, the culmination of our participation in one major EU funded project and the start of a new and exciting research and innovation support project, and ... Looking back on 2023

Redazione FGB

La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 4/4

Event: La realizzazione dell’improbabile – Trent’anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Date: 2023 12 18 Time: 45:35 min. Place: MEET Digital Culture Center – Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 4/4 url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/897412948 Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 4 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Post: La realizzazione dell’improbabile. Contents: ... La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 4/4

Agnes Allansdottir
Anna Pellizzone
Felice Scalvini
Fiorenzo Galli
Giuseppe Testa
Maria Cristina Ferradini
Mario Ferrario
Massimiliano Tarantino
Piero Bassetti
René von Schomberg
Stefano Micelli

La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 3/4

Event: La realizzazione dell’improbabile – Trent’anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Date: 2023 12 18 Time: 35:11 min. Place: MEET Digital Culture Center – Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 3/4 url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/897411968 Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 3 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Post: La realizzazione dell’improbabile. Contents: ... La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 3/4

Annarosa Pesole
Attilio Fontana
David Guston
Lamberto Bertolè
Raffaele Cattaneo
Sally Randles

La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 2/4

Event: La realizzazione dell’improbabile – Trent’anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Date: 2023 12 18 Time: 27:44 min. Place: MEET Digital Culture Center – Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 2/4 url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/897411298 Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 2 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Post: La realizzazione dell’improbabile. Contents: ... La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 2/4

Guido Romeo
Margherita Fronte
Nicoletta Iacobacci
Stefano Epifani