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Governance and statehood
Il contagio dell’algoritmo: presentazione con l’autore del libro.
«Il concetto che sta trasformando il sistema nervoso globale in una sequenza di algoritmi proprietari si chiama sharing is caring, ossia condividere è prendersi cura. Una filosofia che, ancora una volta, scambia la sicurezza personale con la libertà di ciascuno». In queste righe di Michele Mezza si condensa, naturalmente, solo una piccolissima parte del suo ... Il contagio dell’algoritmo: presentazione con l’autore del libro.
Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.
Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation by Stevienna de Saille, Fabien Medvecky, Michiel van Oudheusden, Kevin Albertson, Effie Amanatidou, Timothy Birabi and Mario Pansera has just been released by Bristol University Press. The book opens with a foreword from Richard Owen, in which he offers a succinct overview of the ideas that permeate ... Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.
Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol. 7, issue 2 Reviewed
The second issue of volume 7 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation has just been published. In this post we offer an overview of the publication with links to those articles offered open access (for details on the Journal’s move to full open access see here). In his editorial Necessary conditions for responsible innovation, Editor ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol. 7, issue 2 Reviewed
Responsibility Beyond Growth: A Case for Responsible Stagnation?
The Fourth Quadrant Research Network and Manchester Metropolitan University are holding an online book launch to celebrate the publication of Responsibility Beyond Growth: A Case for Responsible Stagnation?, by Stevienna de Saille, Fabien Medvecky, Michiel van Oudheusden, Kevin Albertson, Effie Amanatidou, Timothy Birabi and Mario Pansera. When: 30th July 2020 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. British ... Responsibility Beyond Growth: A Case for Responsible Stagnation?
Journal of Responsible Innovation to Become Open Access with Impact Factor
Open Access Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation will be the first to be fully open access, in a move that as Editor in Chief Erik Fisher explains will allow the journal to ‘retain most if not all of the current authorship (including grad students, junior and independent scholars, and professionals) and article ... Journal of Responsible Innovation to Become Open Access with Impact Factor
Da Regione Lombardia una regia per la trasformazione digitale.
Per accelerare l’attuazione di percorsi di innovazione digitale, Regione Lombardia punta ancora una volta su una progettazione partecipata con il coinvolgimento degli attori interessati sul territorio, in questo caso quelli dell’ecosistema dell’innovazione: esperti, ricercatori, startup, imprese innovative. A loro, Regione chiede di mettere a disposizione su Open Innovation – piattaforma che diventa quindi snodo centrale ... Da Regione Lombardia una regia per la trasformazione digitale.
ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review
The ROSIE: RESPONSIBLE & INNOVATIVE SMEs IN CENTRAL EUROPE project held its final event (virtually) on 23 June 2020, a celebration and presentation of three year’s work carried out across 8 central European countries and involving 11 partners. The aim of the project was to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors and to promote ... ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review
Autonomie e regionalismo differenziato. Suggestioni per il dibattito pubblico. Convegno.
Cause e moventi del regionalismo sono stati e sono tuttora più o meno conosciuti e indagati dalla dottrina, carente e frammentaria è invece la conoscenza del loro storicizzarsi, delle implicazioni e soprattutto degli effetti che essi hanno prodotto in sede di strumentazione degli apparati dei pubblici poteri, cioè sul piano amministrativo. In occasione della presentazione ... Autonomie e regionalismo differenziato. Suggestioni per il dibattito pubblico. Convegno.
Flash Recommendations on COVID-19 Emergency
Authors: Angela Simone, Douglas Robinson, Federica Lucivero, Agnes Allansdottir, Mario Calderini, Denise Di Dio, David Guston, Francesco Lescai, Ralf Lindner, Marzia Mazzonetto, Guido Romeo At the end of February, Lombardy was the first territory in Europe to be struck by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, having to learn to tackle the epidemic in real-time. Since then, Lombardy ... Flash Recommendations on COVID-19 Emergency
Responsible Innovation: Business Opportunities and Strategies for Implementation, a Book Review
Responsible Innovation: Business Opportunities and Strategies for Implementation is a new offering in the SPRINGER BRIEFS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION GOVERNANCE series. Edited by Katharina Jarmai, it is available in paper version or as a free download, and offers a lot of food for thought for anyone interested in responsible innovation approaches and applications within ... Responsible Innovation: Business Opportunities and Strategies for Implementation, a Book Review
Journal of Responsible Innovation: Volume 7, Issue 1
The first issue of Volume 7 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation is now available. Much of this issue is open access, offering readers some fantastic opportunities and high quality articles, ideal for whiling away the lockdown hours. In his editorial piece Reinventing responsible innovation, Editor in Chief Erik Fisher describes recent developments within the ... Journal of Responsible Innovation: Volume 7, Issue 1
Scarce Resources in a Pandemic: Intensive Care in times of COVID-19
Back in 2009 I reported on a Hastings Center publication entitled When Endemic Disparities Catch the Pandemic Flu: Echoes of Kubler-Ross and Rawls in which the author recounts experiences of participating in panels considering the clinical and ethical challenges posed by pandemic flu. Within the context of this series on COVID-19 the report makes interesting ... Scarce Resources in a Pandemic: Intensive Care in times of COVID-19