Africa up for grabs

Last year Friends Of The Earth published a report entitled Africa up for grabs, the scale and impact of land grabbing for agrofuels. The report was part Funded by the European Commission within the feeding and fueling Europe project, and takes a critical look at the problem of companies buying or leasing large pieces of ... Africa up for grabs

Jonathan Hankins

The Royal Society, a font of information

Last year the Royal Society celebrated its 350th anniversary, a festival in which the Bassetti Foundation participated in the form of Cristina Grasseni’s visit to London and involvement in the Harvard University Science and Democracy Network international meeting, part of the celebrations. In the run up to this celebration the Royal Society established its Science ... The Royal Society, a font of information

Electric car sharing schemes on the rise

This week The Guardian UK carried the news that the city of Paris is to introduce an electric car sharing scheme. The scheme will cost 100 million Euro of which the city council has offered 60 and is an extension of its 2007 bicycle sharing project known as Vĕlib, a system that has been extensively ... Electric car sharing schemes on the rise

Jonathan Hankins

Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Last week the American Anthropological Association (AAA) hosted a discussion about sustainable innovation. Grounded in observations of social practice in particular localities, two points were particularly striking. One was the close relationship between responsibility and sustainability; to be responsible, innovation must be sustainable. The other was the relationship between social life, governance, and technical innovation. ... Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

The Global Green Awards For Creativity In Sustainability

On 2nd December 2010 the 5th Global Green Awards For Creativity in Sustainability will take place in London. This year the awards include two new categories, one entitled ‘Best Green New Product innovation’ and the second ‘Best Green Educational Project’. This year for the first time the awards will be truly international, with each category ... The Global Green Awards For Creativity In Sustainability

Jonathan Hankins

AAA Meeting – Sustainable Innovations

Il 19 novembre 2010 nell’ambito del Meeting annuale della American Anthropological Association, Cristina Grasseni e Jeff Ubois parteciperanno al panel Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocit organizzato da Cristina Orsatti, Fondazione Edmund Mach in collaborazione con la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, e presieduto dalla prof. Elizabeth Krause (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) Vedi il programma nel ... AAA Meeting – Sustainable Innovations

Redazione FGB

Preventative governance

On Wednesday 7th July, Professor David Guston of the Arizona State University presented the work of the CSPO (Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes) and the CSN-ASU (Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University) at an invitation seminar held here at the Bassetti Foundation. Amongst the participants were Ottavia Bassetti, Piero Bassetti, Oscar ... Preventative governance

Governance preventiva

David Guston, professore dell’Arizona State University, ha presentato mercoledì 7 luglio in un seminario a invito presso la Fondazione Bassetti, il lavoro del CSPO (Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes) e del CSN-ASU (Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University). Tra i partecipanti: Ottavia Bassetti, Piero Bassetti, Oscar Biffi (Università di Bergamo), Giuseppe ... Governance preventiva

Oscar Biffi

AAA Annual Meeting 2010

The Bassetti Foundation participates in the 2010 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting which will take place in New Orleans, Nov. 17-21, 2010. Cristina Grasseni will be discussant of the panel “Sustainable Innovations: Forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity“. The panel will focus on strategies of sustainable development in the highlands of the EU, USA and ... AAA Annual Meeting 2010

Redazione FGB

Sesto forum di Politeia: Responsibility for Sustainability

Il Sesto Forum di Politeia su Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Global Economy si terrà a Milano – presso Sala Assemblee Intesa Sanpaolo, Piazza Belgioioso, 1 – il 26 Febbraio 2010 (ore 9.00 – 18.30). Il Forum è organizzato da Politeia in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici dell’Università ... Sesto forum di Politeia: Responsibility for Sustainability

Redazione FGB

Food, Sustainability and Plant Science conference

The 10th EMBO/EMBL Science & Society Conference entitled “Food, sustainability and plant science – a global challenge” takes place on 6th and 7th of November 2009 at EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany. The EMBO (European Molecular Biology Association) and EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) jointly promote the conference and state on the conference website that ‘This ... Food, Sustainability and Plant Science conference

Redazione FGB

Drugs for People, not for Profit.

On Saturday 29th September 2009 an article appeared in the Guardian one of the UK’s wider read broadsheets entitled ‘Soaring Drugs Bill Threatens to Bankrupt NHS’. The article refers to a report published on the same day by left leaning think-tank Compass, an organization that describes itself as ‘Direction for the Democratic Left’. It reports ... Drugs for People, not for Profit.