A Review of the INSS meeting

As many readers will know, last weekend I attended the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. I was fortunate enough to have been selected to present a poster as part of the Saturday afternoon poster session. The poster can be seen here via the Bassetti Foundation Flikr account, alongside many ... A Review of the INSS meeting

Jonathan Hankins

Bassetti Foundation at the INSS International Meeting

The Second Annual Meeting of the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability takes place in Charlotte North Carolina between the 4th and 6th of April, and Jonathan Hankins will be there to represent the Bassetti Foundation and present during the poster session. Prepared together with long term Foundation Collaborator Cristina Grasseni, Hankins will present a poster ... Bassetti Foundation at the INSS International Meeting

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins
Redazione FGB

Integrated Network for Social Sustainability

Jonathan Hankins is pleased to have received and accepted the offer to participate in the National Science Foundation funded Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) as a representative of the Bassetti Foundation. The overall goal of the network is to produce a clearer, more applicable definition of social sustainability, and to create opportunities for engaging ... Integrated Network for Social Sustainability

Redazione FGB

Safeguarding Venice, the Mose Project

On March 20th 2012 MIT hosted an event entitled ‘The Safeguarding of Venice and its Lagoon: The Mose System’ and Jonathan Hankins was present as representative of the Bassetti Foundation. The widely reported Mose system aims to bring an end to the flooding of Venice caused by a combination of high tides and storms and ... Safeguarding Venice, the Mose Project

Jonathan Hankins
Redazione FGB

Sustainable food provisioning, technology or trust?

In what I can only describe as a further move in the technologozation of foodstuff provisioning, Dutch Scientists recently announced that they had grown artificial meat from stem cells in an experiment that they hope could provide an alternative source of meat food production for the planet. Still in its infancy, this form of meat ... Sustainable food provisioning, technology or trust?

Jonathan Hankins

Quale soluzione per i rifiuti spaziali?

Nell’ambito del Venture Camp 2011, che si è tenuto a Milano il 4 e 5 novembre, la Fondazione Bassetti ha premiato la società D-Orbit con una menzione speciale «per la startup che ha dimostrato di agire con il modus operandi più consapevole». Fondata nel marzo di quest’anno da professionisti del settore aerospaziale, l’azienda sviluppa dispositivi ... Quale soluzione per i rifiuti spaziali?

Margherita Fronte

Realizzare l’improbabile – il convegno

“Milano Design, Realizzare l’improbabile” è un progetto che tira un filo rosso tra la grande tradizione del design italiano e le più recenti interpretazioni del mestiere del designer. Attività che obbliga a condurre un vero e proprio laboratorio di pensiero, che permetta al progetto stesso di evolversi. Il 7 luglio 2011, si è svolto l’ultimo ... Realizzare l’improbabile – il convegno

Redazione FGB

Senza nucleare, senza petrolio e senza carbone

Il settore dell’energia è uno di quelli nel quale è lecito aspettarsi, nei prossimi anni, un rapido incremento del tasso di innovazione. E questo per due fatti, ampiamente previsti dagli scienziati da almeno una ventina di anni, ai quali negli ultimi mesi si sono unite situazioni che hanno reso ancora più urgente un cambio rapido ... Senza nucleare, senza petrolio e senza carbone

Margherita Fronte

Prof. Colin Sage on Food and McMeekin

The following comment was written and sent to the Bassetti Foundation by Prof. Colin Sage, senior lecturer within the Geography Department at University College Cork, and refers to the interview with Prof. Andrew McMeekin posted on this site on 20th april 2011. Sage describes himself as being located “within a theoretically informed, socially engaged and ... Prof. Colin Sage on Food and McMeekin

Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

(An interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin – …continues from the previous entry) Index of questions: 13. >> We speak a lot about innovation within food at the foundation. Cristina has written about the reinvention of food and I know that food is one of your main interests. Can you speak about innovation in food? 14. ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

an interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin. Prof Andrew McMeekin works at the Manchester School of Innovation and is involved in the Sustainable Consumption Institute based at the same university. In March 2011 he was kind enough to participate in a conversation with Jonathan Hankins in which he discussed (amongst other things) innovation, responsibility, sustainability and ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

Sustainable innovations: forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity

These are the abstracts of the papers presented in the panel “Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocity“. The panel was presented at the 2010 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Last week we published the paper by Jeff Ubois titled “Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation“. You can read also: – The Call for Papers ... Sustainable innovations: forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity