It’s Circular Forum 2019 – 01/12

Event: It’s Circular Forum 2019. Future Cities: smart, digital and circular. Le città del futuro interconnesse. Title: Città del futuro: quanto puoi essere circolare? Smart city, smart network, big data. Date: 2019 03 14 Time: 20:34 min. Place: Auditorium Assimpredil Ance, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 01/12 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: It’s ... It’s Circular Forum 2019 – 01/12

Emanuele Tessarolo
Giovanni De Cesare
Gloria Domenighini
Renato Galliano

Special track on Quadruple Helix Collaboration for Responsible Research and Innovation

Triple Helix Conference, Thessalonici, Greece, 30-9 – 1-10 2019 Special Track on: Quadruple Helix Collaborations for Responsible Innovation Processes, Procedures, People and Impact organized by Vincent Blok, Renate Wesselink and Eugen Popa Call description Contemporary society faces a series of grand challenges on topics such as energy production, transport, equity, and healthcare. Such challenges require ... Special track on Quadruple Helix Collaboration for Responsible Research and Innovation

Redazione FGB

It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare

Nei giorni 15 e 16 di aprile 2018 si è tenuto a Milano presso l’Auditorium Assimpredil Ance la prima edizione di It’s Circular Forum, un forum su metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare curato dal Distretto 5vie Art+Design ed inserito nel contesto della Milano Design Week. Due giorni di Tavola Rotonda con relazioni e ... It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare

Redazione FGB
Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Fellowship for effective communication about science. Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

The establishment of a new DST-NRF SARChI research chair in science communication at Stellenbosch University in January 2015 created an important opportunity to assess the scientific basis for effective communication about science; launch a dynamic portfolio of research projects to address science communication challenges in South African society and deliver outcomes that are relevant and ... Fellowship for effective communication about science. Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Redazione FGB

Collaboration with International School Utrecht

During the month of June 2018, the Foundation collaborated with the International School Utrecht (Netherlands) on a series of interventions whose aims were to introduce issues surrounding RI to students of primary and secondary level. The interventions were all carried out by Bassetti Foundation foreign correspondent Jonathan Hankins. The interventions took place within the school ... Collaboration with International School Utrecht

Redazione FGB

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special Issue: Responsible Innovation in the Agri-food Sector.

Wageningen Academic Publishers have just released the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special Issue: Responsible Innovation in the Agri-food Sector (on open access). The editorial team includes Vincent Blok and Thomas B. Long, names that regular readers will be familiar with from other posts on this website and articles in the Journal of Responsible ... International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special Issue: Responsible Innovation in the Agri-food Sector.

Redazione FGB

Sustainability, Special Issue on RRI in Industry.

The journal Sustainability has recently published a special issue on RRI in industry. Many of our readers will be familiar with the work of many of the Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem, Prof. Dr. Bernd Stahl, Prof. Dr. Doris Schroeder, Prof. Dr. Andre Martinuzzi and Dr. Vincent Blok. The articles offer a wide discussion ... Sustainability, Special Issue on RRI in Industry.

Just Editing: Applying a responsible innovation approach to animal genome editing. Post Doctoral Position.

The Just Editing: Applying a responsible innovation approach to animal genome editing project is looking for an enthusiastic and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join them on what should be a fun and interesting multidisciplinary project, funded by the NWO-MVI responsible innovation programme, examining the ethical, societal and governance implications of applying gene editing techniques ... Just Editing: Applying a responsible innovation approach to animal genome editing. Post Doctoral Position.

Redazione FGB

Call for Application for summer school ‘TOWARDS A BIO-BASED ECONOMY’

CALL FOR APPLICATION for identifying two participants in the Summer School 2018 program “TOWARDS A BIO-BASED ECONOMY: science, innovation, economics, education” September 3rd-8th 2018 who can attend the Summer School without the payment of the related Tuition Fee costs. Bio-based economy (Bioeconomy) aims at reducing the dependence from fossil fuels and finite materials without overexploiting ... Call for Application for summer school ‘TOWARDS A BIO-BASED ECONOMY’

Redazione FGB

Dissident Gardens

Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam is currently hosting an exhibition entitled Dissident Gardens. The exhibition contains multiple installations and events that focus on the struggle between nature and culture, all of which can be experienced until 23 September 2018. More information is available here. The exhibition drew our attention not only because of its relationship ... Dissident Gardens

Jonathan Hankins

It’s Circular Forum – 15/15

Event: It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare Title: Creating a circular system. Date: 2018 04 16 Time: 27 min. Place: Auditorium Assimpredil Ance, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 15/15 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare.. Contents: Moderator: Cristina Gabetti Panel ... It’s Circular Forum – 15/15

Cristiana Rogate
Cristina Gabetti
Maria Cristina Pinoschi
Renato Galliano

It’s Circular Forum – 14/15

Event: It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare Title: Creating a circular system. Date: 2018 04 16 Time: 31 min. Place: Auditorium Assimpredil Ance, Milano. Language: Italian and English. Part: 14/15 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare.. Contents: Moderator: Cristina ... It’s Circular Forum – 14/15

Cristina Gabetti
Francesco Petrucci
Pierpaolo Abet
Raimondo Orsini