13th WICaNeM conference 2018 on Chain and Network Management, Call for papers

Call for papers for the 13th WICaNeM conference 2018 on Chain and Network Management in Ancona, Italy | July 2 – 4, 2018 Special Track on Responsible Innovation in Chains and Networks Deadline for Abstracts 25-01-18 Given the importance of the emerging field of responsible innovation in the chains and networks, this call for papers ... 13th WICaNeM conference 2018 on Chain and Network Management, Call for papers

Redazione FGB

Beyond Alternative Food Networks, a book review

Long time Bassetti Foundation collaborator Cristina Grasseni recently published her latest book. Beyond Alternative Food Networks is described by MIT Professor Heather Paxson as “Much more than a book about alternative ways of sourcing and consuming food…. it challenges the rationalist mythology at the heart of capitalism and reveals the affective relations and contingent practices ... Beyond Alternative Food Networks, a book review

Cristina Grasseni
Redazione FGB

Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Last week the American Anthropological Association (AAA) hosted a discussion about sustainable innovation. Grounded in observations of social practice in particular localities, two points were particularly striking. One was the close relationship between responsibility and sustainability; to be responsible, innovation must be sustainable. The other was the relationship between social life, governance, and technical innovation. ... Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

An Interview with Dr.Marc Smith

Dr. Marc Smith is a Senior Research Sociologist leading the Community Technologies Group at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA. His group focuses on computer-mediated collective action, and he studies and design enhancements for social cyberspaces. In particular, he is interested in the emergence of social organizations like communities in online conversation and annotation environments. The ... An Interview with Dr.Marc Smith

Bruno Latour in FGB

Bruno Latour in Milan and the connected Call for Comments in this site (pagina del 19 Gennaio 2004) On 27 October 2003 we opened the Call for Comments entitled “No Innovation without Representation (A Parliament of things for the new Technical Democracies)“. Conducted by the sociologist Massimiano Bucchi, it was connected with the invitation extended ... Bruno Latour in FGB