Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

On 9th May at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, Universiteit Utrecht Professor Jos Malda will present his work and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art on 3D printing in the biomedical sector. Prof. Jos Malda heads a multidisciplinary research group that focuses on biofabrication and biomaterials design, in particular for the regeneration of (osteo) chondral ... Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

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Responsible Research and Innovation in the Health Industry

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology, the European Economic and Social Committee and the EU project Responsible-Industry organize a conference “Responsible Research and Innovation in the Health Industry” to be held at the EESC premises, in Brussels, on 18 and 19 May 2017. The conference will discuss how RRI can help to boost innovation ... Responsible Research and Innovation in the Health Industry

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Research Group for Responsible Innovation in Oslo: Call for Expressions of Interest

The Research Group for Responsible Innovation in Oslo is looking for for top-class researchers of any nationality (at any stage in their career) in the field of responsible research and innovation, governance of emerging science and technologies or related fields, to apply for a collaborative Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship to conduct research at the ... Research Group for Responsible Innovation in Oslo: Call for Expressions of Interest

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Call for Applications to Test the HEIRRI Training Materials

The HEIRRI project is offering the chance to test RRI higher education training materials. HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) is a European project funded by the Science for Society H2020 call. The project is led by Pompeu Fabra University and has 9 partners from across Europe representing individual institutions, associations of ... Call for Applications to Test the HEIRRI Training Materials

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RRI: Innovazione come processo creativo. Workshop a #LombardiaèRicerca

Giovedì 6 aprile 2017 appuntamento con “Lombardia è ricerca e innovazione” in sala “Marco Biagi” di Palazzo Lombardia: gli attori del sistema economico e sociale si confrontano per costruire il Programma Strategico Triennale per la ricerca, l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico in Lombardia. All’apertura dei lavori parlerà Carlo Ratti (Direttore Senseable City Lab MIT) con ... RRI: Innovazione come processo creativo. Workshop a #LombardiaèRicerca

Francesco Samorè
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Turning the tide or surfing the wave?

We publish an excerpt from the paper by Simone Amaldi and Guido Gorgoni in which they explore the political and economic context in which the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation has gained attention and taken shape. — Turning the tide or surfing the wave? Responsible Research and Innovation, fundamental rights and neoliberal virtues. The ... Turning the tide or surfing the wave?

Guido Gorgoni
Simone Arnaldi

Responsible Research and Innovation – RRI Tools a Roma

(Le fotografie sono visibili anche nel nostro account in Flickr.) L’Unione Europea intende promuovere non solo scienza e tecnologia eccellente, ma anche socialmente desiderabile. Per raggiungere questo risultato diventa fondamentale allineare gli obiettivi dei processi di ricerca e innovazione, alle esigenze e ai valori della società. Esiste un’ampia letteratura secondo la quale è evidente che, ... Responsible Research and Innovation – RRI Tools a Roma

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Advocacy e Training

Il 18 maggio, dalle ore 10.30 alle 17.30 si terrà a Roma il primo evento italiano di Advocacy e Training del progetto europeo RRI Tools (, finanziato dal Settimo Programma Quadro, nell’ambito del quale Fondazione Cariplo – coordinatore Hub per l’Italia e la Svizzera – e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, partner dell’Hub Italiano, collaborano al think ... Advocacy e Training

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Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.

The Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts International Conference took place between March 11th and 12th, 2016 at the Donastia International physics Centre, Donastia-San Sebastian. The conference was followed by the Annual VIRI meeting. I attended both the conference and the AGM in my role as Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent. In ... Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.

Jonathan Hankins
Sally Randles

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): The Problematic Quest for ‘Right’ Impacts

Between March 10 and 11th the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): The Problematic Quest for “Right” Impacts conference takes place in Donostia-San Sebastián. The event has been organized by Arizona State University and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, and regular readers will be familiar with many of the topics and speakers. The conference ... Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): The Problematic Quest for ‘Right’ Impacts

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Responsible Research and Innovation Conference Updates

As readers will know the Responsible Research and Innovation Conference was held on 14 and 15 January 2016 at the EESC in Brussels. The event organizers have now updated the conference website so that it includes downloadable visuals presented by the various speakers at the conference. Speakers included many of the philosophical leaders in the ... Responsible Research and Innovation Conference Updates

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Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World

On 14 -15 January 2016 the Go4 Joint Final Conference “Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World” will take place at the EESC in Brussels, Belgium. The Go4 conference will present key results drawn from 3 year’s work of four major FP7 projects. All of the projects share a common concern to ... Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World

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